The Missoulian from Missoula, Montana (2024)

Missouhan, Monday, February 3. 1992-C-5 11:30 12:00 1 12:301 1:00 I 1:30 6:00 6:30 I 7:00 I 7:30 I 8:00 I 8:30 I 9:00 I 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 TUNE IN TONIGHT The Broken Cord' touching, important By JON BURLINGAME Unilort Fualute Syndicate SHOOT rjj Mww "Hny SrUIS 'llWOIChirin) Slwn IT (V) Mwm twMiwgi "(IMP Drama) Pfl-13' (V) Mown "fowl Cm 1" (IMP) (V) Mwm "Uaitm '(1990 Jt grain (In 5iwto) (VI SHOMC Mow NMr Horn "Qion Antlomy '(I9B9) PC 13' (V) Mew Wiry SIMS" (1990) Owm $Mnn R' (V) Mown Omru) P0 13' (V) Mol Bnkl ClU '01 Horn "liitm "(190 Omtial pyrin MtGtvm (V)jjudd. lor im Pittim Ptylwi Hk PtjUw Mm Filmy Squad Amu Pan) Pratam PiM ttefrun Pan) rofmm 101 Hr HOT If) Gin 'mi lack Pn Foomt City Council Mwtln (Un) Community tullallri tout Community lullatlti laird CntyDio WMMtt wrung Old (IniMutohy Dintn NortMm fipoturt Nm SMtln lulllU Sin (R) PirwrulKIn Nihl QimN Alt Nm All Nm NIM (Ittt at QD (in imwi Fortuni Hiaeaq blenoiq 8rmq Wormn Bumm; Omnn tht Mouw" (In Slcrtol Stiftol Wi'nl Prrjtrm, Carina tutmnl MactMUtirtr Namnour Ltficy (In Stirio) (Pirl 2 Of 3) Ammcm Cifttfiwcl Conwrutkw ln DM Moirtc ft Ltvmltxi '(1960. Drma) Monti Villi. Cf SflH Ptpott "Corny Mind" (R)Q Ucnu*tm elUuciliwi GitwtK Fmitti (V) 'til lecero, Mlcliy Mwwt "fru Siord tht Sw'(l3, Prlnci ivonlM AlTtiit Qliinn Moris; "Sn Worn 1to AVicwi "(1949) (V) Carriage Hailler Prwlw Vhtm "CW ABCNwCJ HwiCopy FBI; Untold Umatiewi iMmlti "Iht Broktn Cora (1992.

Dramaj Jimmy SmiU, No.HCan lNIhtllM lAmnw Hill (In Sluao) Dinnil Mlllir (In SlI'K) (Of Air) 'lli St. lOrtKllw (R) Kim fHnty Pnrmiri tn StetMl Bl Told FAM () Print! Vll, Hart ImllonVitrnr paarllnt Myitirtwq 700Clu Bwairton Mown tV Cooptr Cmyon "(I9S0)(V) Pud Program pa) Program 700 Club Pud Program Part Program Nim MSM Frtih Prinw Mim Cood AFoviwo. vmium (1987. ComMyDtima) Robui Nm Tonirit Show (R) (In lit! Nltit Witpt Dnid Iliik Kuti NK Nm NBC Nm "ICI dBil Alrq Wiiimi, Form Whilaiiw (In Smwi IV) Istmo) liwirmin (Rl (In Slt'W) OotCoim INC M4) (5 00) Monioi "Otwilion" Moirioi Xtrntry Conndy Orimi) Nic Noln, Dion Mon; "Somww Wttch Out (V) MoHt (V) (Of Air) AMC (II) (100) Moilot "flwfi In" Mom "It Glim Witt Story "(1964) G' (V) Imoyh: tt Stigt Qpg MirncH) Ion MtCailnltr (V) Moiln "Tht Fmfi Dorothy Umour "Clw Afidr" OlSC I til Nitum World Piychlc Tiiroom World Aiy ICirrnri lo.l, Dliry Biyond 2000 Amirlcin Oocumintt Chillni Paid Prorm Pild Prof rim H0 (17) (145) Ham "Ainwy "(1990) Pfl-13' (V) Pliy by Pliy: loom TV Mom: Chen "(1990) PilriO Smyri PG I3' (V) Frn Prwtin Mown to 'Uuud lor Own (1990) Cormdy Hour; Ktvm Pomt CN8C Riil Story SUii Diit Smirt Monty Rill Story Updili (R) Suil-Ooli Smtrl Monty uiintii Int. iutlntM (till Story Upditl (R) TNN ijQi Onilni 0nSlm Nwlwlllo No (In Slirto) CrooH On 5UI(R) 0n Sim (R) NiiHiIIIo NomR) (In Slitw) Crook Club Oinct (R) (In SUno) (Of Air) UFt fjj) China BiKh Mwlr tt "Impulf "(1984) Tim Milhwon.

Mr-; Tilly (V) Spinur For Hln 0. Shindlln; Molly Oodd Pild ProrimPild ProrimPiid ProrimlPild Prorim PiidProrimPild Prorim MAIFST MotHtttt "StmrJoiyri "(1977) Burt RtynokH ffffl Moiltt "Tht HoWtMurn pi fprn ftirunt" Moult: tt "QuKmrf" (1981) StwConntry. Rq(V) Movlti tVt "Soonnvitoui CombmlKKi "(1990) (V) "ffwi rtHHv'" MAIPAC 9t Motlt! "SI. Wi" Movlt! tt Titi i Hud Jim Blown (V) ttt "Smi.foufn""(l977) Burt Riynokh (V) Mont! Tnt Mwlurti ol fori Furlirn" Mowr ttt "(I981)q (V) PSN (21 Collttt Builtlull 5pom Forum Snoboirdln Pro Tour Mi)or Indoor Ucrotti: Sunn it Winp tnflllh Imut Soxctr Evrton Nottmpum Fotwt CCHA Qint Hoclty USA f4) Murdw, ShtWrottq WWF Prima Tlmt Wrwtlln MKCyyw Epuililir Hollywood Dot Houw Pild ProrimPild Prcjnm Pild Prorim Pild Prprim tSPN Colltii Biitittull: Conn al SyrKutt Collift Bwliilbill Kanm Stall at Kmm (Livti SportiCintar Colltgi Biiliitbill PkiIic at Fteino Stall (livt) MukIi SportiCinttr Up Clout R) Butitbill TNT (It) Movlt- ttt "1rHtrmol Tntmtn" 1965. Qrami) Kir Dougiai (V) Motrin ttt "Tht Stern Inmwi (1964 Prima) Molt: Vndtrgrourti "(1970) Robtrt GouHI MoK: "AKA Cmnq City" Alt David Wolotr Prtunrj Shirtoc Holmw toioy "Tru Real Tmn; Cvtninf it tin Imorov (R) David Wolotr Prmntt Shtrlock Holmti lotjoy "Tht Re Trwn" Ewnlnf it tht Improv (R) NBA Btttttbtll SeillW SuperSomcj it Atlanta Movtt: ttt "Black SunQiy "()977i Rooerl Shaw A deranged Vietnam veteran 0int NatlonU Gtof nphlc Eiplorer (R) Movie ttV, "Monttnt HawM.

From the Omni- (live) an Arab lerrornl a plot to murder 80.000 unsuspecting Super 8ovH lani. (V) (I9W. Weitern) Errol Flynn NICK ij) Morli Supirmin Oil imarl Vm Dylia Pngnil A. Hitchco*ck Grain Acrti Mlitir Ed Ponna Rwd Dobli Glllli Patty Duki Mark 2NIht Suptrmin Van Dyke Get Smart BVTV Sendltgo 1 TV MKNilllthrer Niwihour Amirlcin Eaptrlence ligKy tin Slereo) (Part 2 ol 3) American Eioirlenci Community Bulletin Bowd CNN PrlmeNiwiq Larry Ring Live World Nm Spom Moniyllne Newtnlght PollUci Showbli Newinlght Worid Upditl Spom Crotiln R) Nw HHQ Nm NBC Nm Nm Wh. Fortune Jwpirdyl Family Fiud Frwh Prince Movie: ttt Cood Uorrmf.

Vieinim (1987) Robin Williami q(V) Nm Tonight Show (R) 0. lefterman KMCH Jwpirdyl Wh. Fortune Shade Maor Dad Murphy I. Piilgn. W.

Nonhirn Etpotun Newi Intldi Edition Swiitlng Bullitt "She" (R) Love Con. love Con. Perwnili Night GimM KREM Nm CBS Nm Newt Colby Show CliMnq Night Court Shtdi Major Pad 1 Murphy B. Deiign. W.

Northim Eipoiure Nm Swiitlng Bullitt "She (R) Pertonili K8MA MicNelllthrer Niwihour 16 Oiyt o( Glory: Cilgiry Legacy (In Slereo) (Part 2 ot 3) Nolghbort Being Served Anlmali MotorWHk Eyit on the Prtie Race to Sivt the Planet U5A ABCNmq Ent Tonlgbt FBI-Story Detective Movie: "The Broktn Prima) Jimmy Smitt, Nmq Cheertq M'A'S'H Nlghtllneq Artenlo Hall (In Stereo) Hard Copy ABC Nm KXt-Y Newtq ABCNmq Full Houieq Who'iBottf mA5'H FBI-Story Detective Movie: "The Broken Cerif (1992, Prama) Jimmy Smitt. Nmq Nljhtllniq Clamc Pock Nowlurtq CN Coimlc Challenge Bulla Eye NBA Baikttball Chicago Butlt al Utah Jaa, From the Delia Center. Newtq Movie: tt "Rigtil Randolph Scott. (V) Dennlt Miller (In Slereo) TBA WOR Qulncy New Tort it Night Nmq Lovi Bolt Kojik Mumtirt Joi Franklin Pald PrognmiPiid ProgrimHome Shopping young would be mothers, Other highlights MTV debuts a new, daily magazine series for the young-adult audience. "Like We Care" (3 p.m.), focusing on "people and issues of interest or importance to MTV viewers," is slated to feature reports on the upcoming presidential primary in New Hampshire during its first week.

"Legacy" continues (8 p.m., KSI'S; 9 p.m., UVTV) with Michael Wood's examination of two more ancient cultures: "China: The Mandate of Heaven," chronicling the influence of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism over the centuries, and "Egypt: The Habit of Civilization," about the impact of Greek and Muslim cultures on the world's first unified state. "Evening Shade" (7 p.m., KPAX) begins a three-part episode about Evan's decision to marry Fontana Beausoleil. It's a choice that doesn't sit well with some members of Evan's family, so Wood is sent to express their concerns. Parts two and three will air after CBS's coverage of the Winter Olympics. "Good Morning, Vietnam," featuring Robin Williams' hilarious performance as a disc jockey in 1965 Saigon, is rerun (7:30 p.m., KECI).

Directed by Barry Levinson this 1987 comedy-drama won a much-deserved Oscar nomination for Williams. Cult choice Carol Burnett plays Ozark Annie, a country singer who swallows an olive containing a tiny transmitter, in a 1967 episode of HOLLYWOOD "The Broken Cord" (8 p.m., KTMF) Jrumati.cs serious problem among newborn babies: fetal alcohol syndrome, in which alcohol consumption by a pregnant mother causes permanent damage to the child. This TV movie is based on the award-winning book by Michael Dorris, an autobiographical story of his own adopted son's long struggle with what, for years, was an unknown malady that caused seizures and learning disabilities. Only when he learned that the birth mother was alcoholic did he understand the cause of his son's problems. While the names have been changed for this dramatization, Jimmy Smits effectively plays Dorris, a New I lampshire college professor who became one of the nation's first single men to legally adopt a child.

Kim Delancy plays a poet who will eventually become his wife, and Fredrick Leader-Charge, Michael Spears and Frank Burning play the boy, Adam, at various stages of his youth. Dorris says he was approached by three dozen producers after his book's success. He chose wisely: Carmen Culver (who adapted "The Thorn Birds" for TV) is the executive producer, and actor Ken Olin (who directed some of the most sensitive episodes of directed. The Ann Beckett script chronicles Adam's ups and downs, and those of his father, over nearly two decades of their lives. It's a touching story that may, by virtue of TV's enormous reach, also teach a valuable lesson to Maggie's mother visits, and her house burns down, on "Northern Exposure" (9 p.m., KPAX).

Late night Scheduled guests: Comedian George Carlin, actress Kimmy Robertson and musician Pete Fountain are on a "Tonight Show" rerun (10:35 p.m., KECI) Comedian Tracey Ullman and music group Blues Traveler appear on a "Late Night With David Letterman" repeat (11:35 p.m., KECI). Olympic gold-medal winner Carl Lewis is interviewed on "Later" (12:35 a.m., KECI) Singer Roberta Flack and actors Marlee Matlin and Charles S. Dutton are on "The Arsenio Hall Show" (11 p.m., KTMF) Actors John Larroquette, Amanda Plummer and Craig T. Nelson appear on "The Dennis Miller Show" (midnight, KTMF). "Get Smart" (7 p.m., Nick at Nite).

Series notes "FBI: The Untold Stories" (7 p.m., KTMF) dramatizes the case of the only individual ever convicted in the United States of drug tampering Hilary is ordered to perform community service in a hospital on "Fresh Prince of Bel Air" (7 p.m., KECI). Mac and Tolly attend a weekend marriage seminar on "Major Dad" (7:30 p.m., KI'AX) "American Detective" (7:30 p.m., KTMF) repeats an episode about an Indianapolis man charged with hiring a hit man. Miles' 30th birthday nearly kills him on "Murphy Brown" (8 p.m., KPAX) Anthony casts Julia as the lead in a production of "Mame" on "Designing Women" (8:30 p.m., KPAX) ADVICE CONVERSATION Platonic friendship with this man is impossible Were well-adjusted, or quiet, women your goal? DEAR DR. MOOMAW: Over a number of years of being married to, and dating, a number of American women, I had to deal with alcoholism and other addictions, bi-polar mood DEAR ABBY: I am a 27-ycar-old single woman living in a fairly small town. I've worked with a married man for five years, and I would say we are good friends.

Recently, he suggested that we meet in another town, have a few drinks and get a hotel room. I was offended, walked away and refused to speak to him for three weeks. He's 42 and has three children. "hji 'i I swings, prescription ana Aifciiiii I counter drug consumption in Aa. a.

huge quantities, "bottoming out" between medications, trendy new terms like co-dependency, and most if not all are into groups, counseling, along with their kids. Imagine my surprise after I PAUL MOOMAW ABIGAIL VANBUREN I started talking to him again and he hasn't harassed me in any DEAR ABBY: I recently read a letter in your column from the woman who went on vacation, and while she was gone, her elderly mother passed away. She was tormenting herself with guilt because she wasn't at her mother's bedside, nor could she attend the funeral. Several years ago a friend of mine, an elderly lady, gave me this bit of poetry, which I think is most appropriate: would rather have a little rose From the garden of a friend Than have the choicest flowers When my stay on earth shall end. I would rather have the kindest words And a smile that I can see Than flattery when my heart is still And this life ceased to be.

would rather have a loving smile From the friends I know are trite Than tears shed around my casket When the world I bid adieu. Abby, what one does for the living counts so much more than what is offered after they are gone. I hope this gives someone who is feeling guilty a sense of peace to know that they did all they could for a loved one while they were still on this earth to enjoy it. CONNIE FISHER, ECHO, ORE. As I read your letter, my mind slid back over the years to my years in Mexico, where I spent a part of my youth.

I remember especially the children, in their third-generation shoes and torn t-shirts, with their boxes of chewing gum and their rags for cleaning windshields, out on the streets well past midnight, hustling to sell one more pack of gum, or clean another windshield, to earn one more toston before they went home. They all smiled, always, even to pedestrians and motorists who abused them. The shoe blacks smiled, too, and the traffic cops, and the street vendors. They colluded with the rest of us, helped us ignore their misery, and their hunger. They had to do that, because they needed to keep us happy.

Who will buy gum from a frowning child, or leave a Christmas present at the foot of a snarling traffic cop, or tip a sullen delivery man? And we needed them to keep smiling, to allow us to believe that they were happy and adjusted, and that they didn't go home to empty bellies, beatings and sexual abuse. I guess you could say we were all well adjusted. Actually, I knew quite a few Filipinos, too, because two of my best friends were embassy brats from that nation. They danced a mean cha cha cha, but I can't say they and their compatriots were any more or less neurotic than the rest of us. The point is, failure to complain doesn't necessarily equal mental health.

Look at the middle class American housewife of a century ago, who sewed, and smiled, and cooked, and smiled, and sang her babies lullabies, and smiled. She smiled because she was stoned out of her mind on the "ladies' tonics" populaT at the time, most of which were liberally laced with opium and morphine. I see a lot of couples on the brink. Frequently, the husband is shocked and surprised that his spouse has decided to leave the marriage. "I thought things were fine," he says.

"She never said a word, and we haven't had a fight in years." I hope in your marriage you will make an effort to get past the smile. Paul Moomaw is a Missoula clinical psychologist. Questions may be sent to him in care of the Missoulian, P.O. Box 8029, Missoula. way.

He's well-respected in the community, and I've told no one about his suggestion. I really like him a lot, but I would never forgive myself if I were to become sexually involved with a married man. If he had just suggested the drinks and not the hotel room, I might have accepted. I would like, to know him better and there are not many opportunities to talk at work. Is it OK for us to become closer platonic friends? I don't want to hurt his marriage or his reputation, but I'd like to know him better intellectually, but not physically.

I could learn a lot from him. We have not discussed his suggestion since I turned him down. Should I bring it up and make my feelings clear to him? ARKANSAS LADY spent a month in the Philippines, and discovered other parts of the world don't live like this? In spite of the fact there is a great deal of hardship and poverty, most Philippines women seem remarkably well adjusted and happy, even though there are probably more mental health counselors in Missoula County that there is serving the 11 million people on Mindanao. I am not suggesting that all American women are similar to the above, mainly the ones available for dating in their 30s and 40s. But what is your opinion which accounts for such a vast difference in behavior.

We should recognize the Philippines is 96 percent Christian, with 86 percent Roman Catholic. I should add that I am marrying a very beautiful Filipino woman shortly. I'm so late responding to this that you probably are married by now, so congratulations, first thing. But I wonder about two things. First, whether you haven't run into a rather skewed sample of American women.

They don't sound that much like most of the women I have known over the years, personally or as clients. And, second, if you aren't confusing adjustment with keeping one's mouth shut. DEAR LADY: This man is not interested In friendship; all he wants is a few hours of sex in a hotel room. Don't worry about hurting his reputation just take care of your own. Don't meet him alone anywhere, under any circ*mstances.

There is no way you can have an intimate, nonsexual relationship with this man. CONFIDENTIAL TO "NO NAME, PLEASE IN MEMPHIS, You do not have to tell him; it's none of his business. (Is he a virgin?) Missoulian To Place An Ad, Call 721-6200 Or Toll Free 1 '800-332-621 2 ASSMEO S3 BUSINESS PERSONALS 123 OFFICE, CLERICAL 204 SCHOOLS INSTRUCTIONS mFLEA MARKET BUSINESS 152 121 LOST AND FOUND 114 INTRODUCTIONS mTO GIVE AWAY mTO GIVE AWAY RETAIL sales management trainee, full or part-time. Must relocate. Call 549-771 1 FLEA MARKET, BUSINESS $14.50 per inch per day.

(Minimum of 1 inch accepted, 12-inch units after the first inch will be charged at $7.25 per half inch.) THE MISSOULIAN 721-6200 TECHNICAL POSITIONS 205 ANNOUNCEMENTS New in town? Or just busy? You, too, can find romance through Missoulian Classified INTRODUCTIONS 721-6200 Toll Free 1-800 332 6212 MISSOULIAN mTO GIVE AWAY Bankruptcy Oivorce Injury Front St. Law Offices 721-7714 GOV'T HOMES from SI. (You repair) Foreclosures, repos, tax delinquent properties. Now selling your area. Call 315-736-7375 Ext.

2M-MT-H current lists. 24 hrs. U.S. MAIL JOBS 95fee Now Hiring. Your area No exp.

Necessary Call 1-900-680-4454 ext. 0395 Uncontested Divorces $110 Bankruptcy $150 Step-Parerrt Adoption $100 People's Advocate 721-9911 WAREHOUSEDELIVERY Full TimePart Time $7.35 to $13 60hr. $12 95 fee Immediate Openings Will Train 1 900-786 7886 Exl FOUND MALEMUTE Young, black and beige wblack nylon collar, found east of Bell XEastside Hiway 1 -777-2644 FOUND set of keys, leather strap w'David' on it, found in front of Hellgate High. 721-5814. FOUND Set of keys, miniature LA Gear license plate, on Ridgeway in Lolo.

Call 2730801 eves or wkends. LOST Reddish Lab. Answers to Bob. Kent Higgins Brown nylon collar. 549-5246 LOST URGENT Blk m.Labpit red collar (Murphy), needs from Rattlesnake (Clarkia Lne Fri eve) 728 0533 REWARD: Gordon Setter (bIMan), 5 yr neutered male, red collar Lost 126.

upper Rattlesnake. 728 3094 or 728-2925 Diosel Truck Drlvar Training School Inc. Eugene, OR CLASSES STARTING EVERY WEEKI training on Flatbed. Doubles and Conventionale New Commercial LictnM. Job Placement Assistance.

Financial Aid if Ouaiilied. Housing 4 Transportation Asttttanc. Accredited by NATTS. 1-800-283-8789 130 HAPPY ADS 122 PERSONALS CABINET maker, full time, commercial, residential exp. required.

Send resume to Box 1291 L. do Missoulian, Box 8029. Missoula. MT 59807. EXPERIENCED HVAC mechanic up to 50 tons within past 5 yrs.

Knowledge of Johnson controls, building located in Helena. Call 1 800-962-841 6. Journeyman Mechanic opening soon, call 1-821-3206 days or 1-821-4447 eves for appt FREE ADVERTIsem*nTS The following advertis-ments are FREE to the advertiser. They are subject to regular deadlines and will run three days, lour lines. Subject to approval: "To Give Away" Ads Classification 112 These ads are tor any private party advertiser who has merchandise to give away animals included.

Merchandise in the ads must be absolutely free to the respondent "Lost or Found" Ads Classification 114 Anytime you lose or find an Hem or pet, call us and place a four-line "Lost and Found" ad. Your ad will run free of charge for three days. MISSOULIAN HAPPY ADS SEND SOMEONE A HAPPY AD! 65c per line per day, $5 00 minimum or $7.80 per inch. No Commercial Messages Accepted. QUEEN bed with headboard, no frame.

Call 721 -0951. WEIGHT bench to give away, fairly good Call 721-2578 eves mLOST AND FOUND FOUND ANIMALS F. Shepherd blackAan, pink collar, W. Broadway Russell Neutered M. Poodle, white, 2200 blk.

Burlington M. Chow, black, friendly, Benton Eaton F. Sheepdogterrier black charcoal, Leisure Park. Lolo F. Shepherd X.

pup. gold wdark muzzle, Westview Park M. ShepherdHealer X. tri-cotor. purple colar.

Cozy Ct. Missoula Animal Control 1101 Clark Fork Dr. 721-7576 Mon. -Frl. 10 am.

to 6 pm, FOUND DOG co*cker Spaniel, black male (Nine Mile) 61 FOUND CATS Shorthair black male (N. Hig-gins) 45 Shorthair brown tiger male (E. Alder) 46 HUMANE SOCIETY 549-3934 Mon.Sat.1 1 -5 FOUND Fri night. Black, male, poodlechow mix puppy, found on Edith Stephens 549-9442 FREE PREGNANCY TESTS Supportive medical staff. Planned Parenthood 728 5490 A MESSAGE FROM UTAH for Jeffrey: Please call Heather at 1-801-484-6972 QUIT Smoking with hypnosis Rocky Mm.

Hypnotics 721-8130 UNPLANNED PREGNANCY? WE CAN HELP Confidential; free pregnancy test. BIRTHRIGHT 549-0406 OFFICE, CLERICAL 204 PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS 206 RUMMAGE GARAGE SALES SPECIAL RATES: PUBLIC NOTICES 120 BLOODHOUND Walker Coonhound cross. 8 mos. old male pup, intelligent, beautiful. needs good home.

721-3483 BLUE HEELER cross puppies. Call 1-777-2760. BLUE HEELER female, beautiful, loving, loyal. Free to excellent, bving, patient home only. 1-777-2444 CAN'T AFFORD Lonely Black Lab mix puppy needs a good home with playmate, 626-4369 TO GIVE AWAY 2 male cats 1 yr old and 1 female cat 6 mos.

old. Call eves, after 6. 543-1937 FEMALE CALICO CAT 8 mos. 258-6712 or 258733 msg MATTRESS boxsprings. full site, to give away.

You haul. Call 251-4739 PALLETS Missoulian, 523-5200 ADORABLE Australian ShepherdBlack Lab puppies to rood home. 728-1516 ALL OTHER ADS Minimum of 2 lines Minimum charge $5.00 MISSOULIAN 721-6200 BUSINESS PERSONALS 123 OFFICE HELP wcomputer exp. typing ability. Send resume wsoftware familiarity.

30-40 hrswk, pay negotiable. Eagle Satellite, 2347 South Ave. W. RECEPTIONISTSECRETARY One year secretarial experience preferred. Must type at least 60 wpm.

Knowledge of WordPerfect helpful but not required. Submit resume recent job service typing test to 103 5 East. Missoula. MT by Wednesday. February 5.

1992. Salary DOE. ACCOUNTANT, preferably CPA w3-5 yrs. auditing exp. including governmental.

Must be able to plan and supervise. Send resumes to: Personnel P.O. Box 1246. Boze-man. MT 59771.

CPA Private corporation needs top notch person for all phases of accounting. Must live on remote ranch site. $15,000 plus 4 bedroom house. Medical insurance, tee neg. A Working Solution 721-4950.

APPLICATIONS will be accepted Jan. 31. 1992 through Feb. 28. 1992 for the position of Principal Combined Fund Organization (PCFO) for the 1992 Combined Federal Campaign.

For further information, caH 549-6104 NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC The day use area known as 'The Roundup Oay Use Area' will be closed by the landowner Feb. 4.5 6. RUMMAGE, GARAGE, BAZAAR BAKE SALES $11 00 per inch per day Minimum of 1 inch accepted, 12-inch uniti after the first inch will be charged at $5 50 per halt men. All rummage and garage sales ads must be prepaid. MISSOULIAN 721200 FREE TO good home.

Purebred yellow lab, no papers. 5 yr. old neut. male. Freter home wolder kidsadults.

543-2846 FREE TO GOOD HOME 1Vi yr old spayed female Spaniel cross. She needs kids, lots of love attention. 542-0245 FREE TO GOOD HOME 2 brown Chows, purebred. 4 yrs. oW.

male female. 543-5135, Wesrview Trailer Park. 152 SCHOOLS INSTRUCTIONS AUSTRALIA WANTS YOU EXCELLENT PAY, BENEFITS TRANSPORTATION 407-292 4747, EXT. 309 7 AM 8 PM TOLL REFUNDED SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE Recorded message gives full details. Call 728-7617..

The Missoulian from Missoula, Montana (2024)
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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Author information

Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.