Missoulian, Thursday, December 6, 1990 D-1 INTERNATIONAL ailing for clsinrapdowii Relief groups move supplies to Soviet Union Legislators ask Gorbachev to get tough with republics By ANN IMSE Associated Press -A 'V -syt There are many fascist elements emerging in many parts of the country, and this process should be stopped before it is too Vladimir Zhirinovsky, a loader of the Liberal-Democratic Party. rrr: ii Hfe ''Sill's est challenge to the central government, Zhirinovsky said in a telephone interview. Other committee members seemed inclined to suspend all legislative bodies. "If presidential decrees are not obeyed in a region, that region's representative bodies should be dissolved, and a plenipotentiary representative of the central government should be sent to replace it," said Voronin. The Lithuanian parliament declared independence on March 11 and the newly elected non-Communist parliament of Georgia is moving in that direction.
Moldavia is split among opposing ethnic groups. The Russian republic issued the strongest challenge by declaring itself sovereign, with the right to overturn national laws on its territory three-quarters of the Soviet land mass. Zhirinovsky said the coalition represented 400 of the 2,250 members of the Congress of Peoples' Deputies, and included members of the Soviet Peace Committee, the Russian National Front and the Communist Party. He said the proposal for introducing a state of emergency starting Jan. 1 would be introduced at the next session of the Congress, on Dec.
17. Tass said the group's program "surprised journalists and even some members of the bloc, who were already disagreeing with some provisions during the press conference." 2i By LAURINDA KEYS Associated Press STOCKHOLM, Sweden Israeli fruit, German sausages, Italian cheese and American medical supplies are among the products arriving in the Soviet Union as part of a worldwide private effort to ease winter shortages. While the governments of the United States, Sweden and other countries have no formal plans yet to organize food aid, private groups and individuals are rallying to rush food to the Soviets. Relief organizations have chartered planes, used Aeroflot flights and organized truck convoys to get past the vast country's transportation bottlenecks. Several organizations have sent staff members to ensure that food and medicine reach their destinations.
The Soviet government, which blames food problems on the collapse of its central distribution system, has not officially asked for the food. But the chronic shortages have worsened dramatically this winter. Consumers must wait in long lines often for as long as three hours for basics such as butter. Sometimes, pushing and shoving breaks out over a scarce item. The country doesn't have enough rail cars or refrigerated trucks to transport food from the fields to markets, nor are there sufficient storage facilities.
There has been widespread theft and diversion to the black market. The European Community has drafted an aid package, to be adopted next week, providing about $2 billion in food and transportation over two years. Soviet President Mikhail S. Gorbachev, meanwhile, has made deals involving loans and export credits to buy basic foods and consumer products to fill empty store shelves. But individuals and private organizations have gone ahead on their own to help orphanages, hospitals and pensioners.
MOSCOW A newly formed bloc of conservative and liberal legislators demanded Wednesday that Mikhail S. Gorbachev impose a state of emergency and suspend activities of political parties and the parliaments of four republics. The legislators, calling themselves the National Salvation Committee, all but called for a military coup to halt the nation's slide into chaos. "There are many fascist elements emerging in many parts of the country, and this process should be stopped before it is too late," said Vladimir Zhirinovsky, a leader of the Liberal-Democratic Party and a Salvation Committee spokesman. But Soviet President Gorbachev's main rival, Boris Yeltsin, expressed fierce opposition on Wednesday to using the military to resolve the country's political and economic crisis.
He said catastrophe would result. The self-declared Salvation Committee includes the hard-line 'Soyuz' group of parliamentarians as well as the reformist Liberal-Democratic Party. In asking army help to implement its plan and to enforce presidential powers, the group called the military "the sole force still resisting the disintegration of the state," the independent Interfax news agency reported. Leaders demanded shifting power to the committee if Gorbachev did not act, Interfax and the state news agency Tass reported. "Gorbachev must assume this responsibility or we should find an alternative," said Vladimir Voro-nin, leader of the Sakharov Democratic Union and a committee member.
He said in a telephone interview that the committee wanted a "strengthening of presidential power." "Once the state of emergency is introduced, everything will calm down at once," Voronin said. "I know those democrats they will run away at once. It will be more difficult to pacify them when they accumulate too many weapons." The group wants suspension of the parliaments of Lithuania, Moldavia, Georgia and Russia, because they are seen as the strong Associated Pre TWO SOVIET TROOPERS unload Israeli melons at Moscow airport Wednesday morning from an El Al Jet that carried 10 tons of food from the Jewish Agency to help ease food shortages. Tore Waeraass, a Norwegian slaughterhouse owner, is driving a truck carrying three tons of sausages to the Soviet city of Murmansk. "I'm a bit suspicious of the mafia in Murmansk.
But people from the church have promised to help us so that it will be families with children who get the Christmas gift," he said. The first aid to reach Moscow a planeload of food from German charities arrived on Nov. 29. Trucks met the Aeroflot flight and took 25,000 packages of flour, sugar, sausage and lard to children's hospitals and orphanages. Kissoulian To Place An Ad, Call 721-6200 Or Toll Free 1-800-332-6212 ED INDEX REAL ESTATE FARM I RANCH MERCHANDISE SERVICES OFFERED ANNOUNCEMENTS Hearths Saltan.
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booiiHpmg 359 eemethela Hexitytsti Heme hearth can needed ANIMALS ...203 ...202 ...200 ...209 ...210 ...214 ...207 ...204 ...208 ...212 ...205 ...216 Mete el Office, done el Professional posttiont Salts wrtti REAL ESTATE 701 754 752 703 756 702 760 704 758 Ammaf Iratmng Horse instruction Horses, supoeas Hunting dogs Livestock Pels, supplies Poultry, rabbits Security dogs Stock working Volunteers wanted SERVICES OFFERED FARM RANCH 501 618 523 509 530 508 503 512 516 ...513 Biliirroat properly Commtrtcil pfoparty.w. Condominiums Country living Custom-cut noma Farms, ranches, lam) Ftathoed rial tstati hom*o tmenctno, Income property Inspectwns. 301 303 302 304 306 307 305 Fwm. Kmgi Firmproduci Cwptfltry Mrvtttl Chiropractic CMdcirt ChrflMr WMC4 Cancrrlt MTMCM 774 762 774 764 Ftrmiupp1 Nay, (Hd. pulurl TO GIVE AWAY 112 114 AND FOUND 122 PERSONALS 130 HAPPY ADS PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS OAT MEDICAL ZU POSITIONS 206 YWCA Domestic Violence Ass't Center.
642-1944 24 hrs. -a -a LOST 114 AND FOUND LOST quarter-sized earring, silver gold filigree, reward. Call 721-3235. REWARD Lost blackwhite female kitten, crook in tail, extra toes on front paws, 'Little Bit'. Lost on E.
Pine St. 721-7139. REWARD: lost Ruwana hunting knite in Albert Creek area. Phone 728-6091. HAPPY ADS SEND SOMEONE A HAPPY ADI 65 per line per day, $5.00 minimum or $7.80 per Inch.
No Commercial Messages Accepted. BUSINESS PERSONALS 123 ANNOUNCEMENTS OHI OFFICE, ZU CLERICAL PART-TIME Medical Office Receptionist. Experience and computer skills required. Send resume to: Assocation for Head Neck Surgery, 2831 Fort Missoula Missoula, MT 69801. RECEPTIONISTFILE Clerk wat least 6 mo.
office exp. Full-time position, good benefits salary DOE. Computer exp. helplul. Please send cover letter resume to Computer Land Box 9409, Msia, MT 59807.
No walk-Ins or phone calls please. RETAIL Sales mgt. trainee. Full or part time. 649-7711 TO GIVE AWAY 112 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Full-time position avail, immediately.
Permanent, aggressive, organized. Computer knowledge wbookkeeping a necessity. Salary DOE. Send resume to Box 2867, Msia, 59806. TRAVEL AGENT: Minimum 2 years experience required for full-time position in established Bozeman office.
Must be professional person who enjoys working with the public. Exc. career opportunity and benefits. Apply in person or send resume to: Sun Chaser Travel, 12 N. 3rd Bozeman, MT 59715.
No phone calls accepted. ALL OTHER ADS Minimum of 2 lines Minimum charge $5.00 MISSOULIAN 721-6200 121 INTRODUCTIONS 50 YR. OLD lonely man would like to meet western-style good-natured lady before Christmas. Children ok. Write Box 818L, co Missoulian, Box 8029, Missoula, MT 59607.
TECHNICAL POSITIONS 205 MEDICAL POSITIONS 207 INTRODUCTIONS HO HO HOI Rent a Santa for your Christmas party. 549-0575 INTERESTED in starting a business in Philipsburg, In a building wlow rent plenty of advertising? Ideas for full or part-time businesses could incl. professional services, accountant, arts crafts sales andor classes, insurance or whatever. For info, call Debbie Heintz at 1-859-3428. Granite County Museum Cultural Center JOBS IN ALASKA Hiring.
Entry Level. $600 plus weekly. Construction, Canneries, Oil Fields. CALL 1-206-736-0770 Ext. 639B5.
LABORERS wanted. Product assembly. Earn to $550wk. No exp. Will train.
Call 1-80O-753-1272. LABORERS wanted. Product assembly. Earn to $550wk. No exp.
Will train. Call 1-800-753-1272. Uncontested Divorces $100 Name Changes $50 Bankruptcy $135 People's Advocate 721-9911 UNION JOBS $6.90 to $21.35. $12 fee, Now Hiring Your Area, Will Train 1-900-988-0678 ext. 2040 EXPERIENCED carpenter needed.
Must have own tools. Apply at 2432 Kemp. OPERATING ENGINEER Immediate part-time opening 20 hour week minimum. 4 p.m.-8 p.m. Mon.
through Fri, Pick up application at KECI-TV EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES 202 PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS 206 CURRENT OPPORTUNITIES GENTLE Guinea pig asks for carrots. For kids ages 8-80. 258-6944 FEMALE guinea pig, medium hair, gentle. To good home only. 258-6944, MALE and female kittens, long haired, assorted colors, 7 weeks.
549-8068. PALLETS Missoulian, 523-5200 HOTPOINT kitchen electic range, 3 burners work, oven needs new element. Bonner, you haul. 1-244-5530. SPRINGER SPANIEL 8 yrs.
old. Good with kids. Reg, but no papers. 1-677-2051 TO give sway: mother dog and pups, medium sized dogs. 258-5229.
TWIN box spring and mattress, also fong hospital mattress. 543-8052. 114 AND FOUND FOUND Brooch Monday, 123. Phone 543-8364 to identify. FOUND DOG Aklta cross older white female, hairless tail, leather with turquoise collar (Blue Mtn) 765.
co*cker cross black with white female (Holiday Village) 787 Heeler cross black with white female (Russell and 3rd) 768 Humane Society 649 3934 OpenMon-Sat 11-6 CLOSED SUNDAY FOUND Female Brittany Spaniel, brown ft white, fal Found at 3rd Russell. Phone 728-3652 to Identify. FOUND male kitten, black A white, at Missoula Recycling Center, 808 Spruce. 721-1120. FOUND: 3rd St (between Russell Reserve): small black A grey Heeler cross young female, Call 542-3618 FOUND: Emily's wallet, BroadwayVan Buren area.
Call to Identify, 721-3245. FOUND: Nine MileRemount Rd. area, large male Golden Retriever. 626-5213. FOUND: set of keys on the corner of SlhSchllling, has several keys and clip.
Call 728-4922 af-ter 3 p.m. FOUND: W. Riverside area, tools with case. Call to Identify, 258-8025. FOUND set of keys, near Music Bldg.
at University. Pick up at Music Building office. FOUND fishing pole and reel in the river, 649-1501, LOST Black walking cane vicinity of Osco Drugs on Brooks. Call 721-0808. FOUND adult male Siamese cat, Lower Miller Cr.
Rd. For more 251-4956 FOUND ANIMALS Female Heeler cross, Carlton Cr. Rd. 2 Terrier cross puppies, Scott St. Bridge Male brown Setter cross, 57th and Hillview.
Male St. Bernard cross, 800 block of Dakota Female gold Shepherd cross, Emma Dickinson School Black and tan Shepherd cross. 7600 block of Zaugg Female Shepherd cross, Margaret and Kensington Male while and brown Terrier cross, "Charlie" Futura Park Male Golden Retriever, Russell and W. Broadway Msia. Animal Control Open 10-6 Frl.
721-7578 LOST educational bird: 1-winged, red-tailed hawk, escaped windblown-damaged cage. Miller Crk. 721-0283. LOST Mount Russell: Ches-peake Bay Retriever. Brown curly hair.
No collar. REWARDI 649-1359 Lost; 'D'Lion'-med. Black Lab cross, female, pointed ears, white on chest, chainlink collar. Corner 4thRussell. 643-6418.
LOST: 'Sona', very thin female Doberman. Bass Creek area near campground. Call 1-777-5230 leave message. Lost: 122, 'Gypsy', sm. white female Maltese dog at High- Bark Way, S.W.
Higgins area. lole on top of head. 549-2136. LOST: female mostly gray Persian cat, long hair, StephensFranklin area. 649-9455.
LOST: male Husky, white charcoal, med. slender build, 1 brown leather collar wtags. 549-6542. LOST: men's white mountain bike, Kodiak Bay style, white with red cape. Call 721-1711, LOST: older gray, black, white and tan dog wpoodle haircut, 12390, Mallard Way off Mullen Rd.
He's hard ol hearing and seeing. Call 721-1430. LOST large burgundy duffle bag wtennis 4hoes, sweats a other athletic equipment, Please return. 728-1857. LOST white male cat, gold eyes, near Russell School or Mall.
Reward tor safe return. Call 728-5096. LOST chain from road grader on Pattee Canyon Rd, 721-5700 ext.47S3, LOST med. size black a tan female Shellie cross wred collar, floppy ears, OrangeS. 5th area LOST Golden Retreiver male, Potomac area, answers to REO.
Lost 1124. 1-244-5203 PART TIME OH NURSE Opportunity on weekend shift for part-time RN In an industrial setting. Requires previous occupational health, emergency room or critical care experience. This position offer a complete benefits package. Qualified application should apply to Don Dorville at the Missoula Job Service.
We are an equal opportunity employer MF PHYSICAL THERAPIST Discover Coloardol Postions avail, for dynamic physical therapist in outpatient practice. New grad registered PTs are welcome. We are PT-owned, interdisciplinary company with 10 clinica in Colorado. Great benefits, interview and relocation expense assistance. Interested candidates send resume or call Tony Marostica, 1-800-475-2495.
4 Therapy, 405 W. 15th St, Pueblo, CO 81003. THE Village Health Care Center invites you RN's and LPN's to join our progressive professional team. RN positions part time days and pm's. LPN positions full time nights, part time nights, pm's and days.
Apply in person at 2651 South Ave. W. RNRIVERSIDE Health Care Center has an immediate opening lor a part-time staff nurse. Please stop and see our progressive facility and help ua Implement the exciting new changes of the 90 s. Contact Sandy Greene.
DON, 1301 E. Broadway. 721-0680. RNS Interested In a change? Look Into home health. If you have exp.
In complete assessment and in planning and Implementing care plan, Partners In Home Care Inc. Is interested in hearing from you. Must have recent clinical exp. and must be skilled In the delivery of patient care and family teaching. BSN preferred.
2 full-time posi-tions. Salary DOE. Benefit package. Send resumes to Partners In Home Care Drawer 500 N. Higgins, Ste.
201, Missoula, MT 59802. doting date Dec 7 9I1S OtNLRAL HELP fcUO WANTED SEAS Fishing Co. now hiring crew to work on premier processing vessel, "BLUE WAVE" for crab season In Alaska. Men and women encouraged to ar ply. Call 1-933-5713.
ARTICULATE individuals ought for campaigna on utility reform, community reinvesti-ment, social A economic luetic Issues Salaried, benelits, travel 728-5297 CERTIFIED NURSE AIDE posl-lions available. All shifts, full time and part-time. Apply In person at Hillside Manor, 4720 23rd Ave, Missoula. KUMMAbE GARAGE SALES 124 Vi SHELTIE male puppiel, 8-woeks. Call 1-777-3332.
1 MALE 1 femalo rabbit wrtheir divided hutch. 728-3456. FREE ADVERTIsem*nTS The following advertii-mentt ire FREE to the advertiser. They are subject to regular deadlines and will run three days, four lines. Subject to approval: "To Give Away" Ads Classification 112 Thesa ads ar lor any prlvata party advertiser who haa merchandise to give away animals Included.
Merchandise in the ads must be absolutely free to the respondent "Lost or Found" Ads Classification 114 Anytime you lose or find an Item or pet, call us and place a four-line "Lost and Found" ad. Your ad will run free of charge for three days. MISSOULIAN 4 CHRISTMAS kittens, 6 weeks old. 3 tiger, 1 black A white. Lok) area.
2734169. S-MONTH Red Heeler pup, great kid dog. 1-777-2146. AFFECTIONATE, loving felines looking for a perfect home. All sizes 1 colors.
Please call 1-777-30O7. BLACK LAB puppy to give away. Male, 8 mos. old. Call 721-0866.
LABBOXERSHEPHARO cross puppy, female, to good home, 728-1625. 8MOKEV colored short hair male neutered cat wall shots, to good home. 1-777-5152, NEED new homes due to af-fergy: 1 yr. male cat, playful, good wklds. 2 yr.
female cat, spayed, enjoys adults 728-7780 COUPONS to clip (many are for food Items). 643-7948. 1 VR. OLD male blond co*cker Spaniel, needs a family, loves kids, to a good home ONLY, 273-6062 after 6 m. FEMALE Rat Terrier, like small Fox Terrier, 6 months old.
To good home only wlenced yardl 1-825-7386 or 721-7175 FRANKLIN fireplace type stove. Inaide first gale, 1820 Turner. OLD hideabed, you haul. Call 649-3340, CERTIFIED NURSE AIDE position available. All shifts, full time and part-time.
Apply in person at Hillside Manor, 4720 23rd Ave, Missoula. CNAe Take this opportunity to join the team at the Village Health Care Center. Position avail, full-time, part-time, days and afternoon shift. Training avail. Apply In person, 2651 South Ave.
W. Home Care Dealer Needs RRT'aand CRTT'a Due to expsnsion, home cere dealer needs RHT's or CRTT's for Helena, Great Falls, and Sheridan WY. Excellent benefits, salary and professional growth. Send resume to: I.F.C., 275 Corporate Ave. Kalispell, MT, 59901 LPN NEEDED IMMEDIATELY part time wpossibility of advancement to full time.
Must be flexible. North Valley Nursing Home. Please apply In person, 83 Main, Stevenavllle. LPN'S needed. Ask about our sign-on bonus.
Apply in person Hillside Manor, 4720 23rd Ave. REHAB NURSE CONSULTANT EBI Private Worker's Compensation Insurance Carrier EBI, an Industry leader has an Immediate opening lor a nurse consultant. Musi have BSN degree. Occupational nursing background a plus. This ia a full time position covering the state ol Montana primarily around the Interstate system.
Company car provided. Salary commensurate wexp. Full benefit package. Applicants should tend a resume and salary history to: EBI Company P.O. Box 1677 Helena.
MT 59624 Attn: Sue Ann McCorter, Claim Manager OPENING for CNA'i or will train. Be on of our qualified staff member at the Royal Manor. Please apply in person, 3018 Rattlesnake Dr. SPECIAL RATES: RUMMAGE, GARAGE, BAZAAR BAKE SALES $10.60 per inch per day Minimum of 1 Inch accepted, 12-inch units after the first inch will be charged at $5.20 per half-Inch. All rummage and garage aales ads must be prepaid.
MISSOULIAN 721-6200 New in town? Or just busy? Meat people with Interests like yours and enrich your life with companionship by placing an Introduction Ad in the Missoulian Classilied. Here's how It works: Mall, phone or deliver your ad copy lo our office (names may not be used in ad copy). You will be assigned a confidential box for your replies. The box number will appear In your ad along with the Missoulian's address. Replies will be mailed to you as they coma in.
There Is a confidential box fee of $12 and ads must be prepaid. Use approximately four (4) words per line and include the following: Box xxx-x, co Missoulian, P.O. Box 8029, MT, 69807. 721 6200 Toll Free 1 800 332 6212 MISSOULIAN 122 PERSONALS A FACT: 52,000 menwomen have ended their loneliness calling 1-900-786-7710. Christian 24 hr Romance llnel $2mln.
IT WORKSI ANYONE witnessing an accident, Fri, Nov. 30, 9 a.m. between a semi a pickup w5th wheel al the corner of Reserve a International Way. Contact Charles Evsns, 293-8819 or 120 W. 6th, Llbby, MT, 59923.
LADIES: send for info on the best little women's newsletter around. Girl Talk. O. Box 1293, Blgfork, MT 69911. FREE PREGNANCY TESTS Supportive medical staff.
Planned Parenthood 728-5490 PREGNANT, WORRIED? We can help. Confidential, oaring support Free pregnancy tests BIRTHRIGHT 549 0406 QUIT Smoking with hypnosis Rocky Mtn. Hypnotics 721-8130 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT The Joint Board of Control for the Flathead, Mission and Jocko Valley Irrigation District I seeking an administrative assistant. Applicants should have extensive knowledge of natural resources affaire, Including irrigation and power issue. Experience In dealing with state) and federal agencies Is desired.
This Includes DNRC, EPA, BIA, BOR, etc. Salary will range from after six months, DOE. A sample ol writing skills which shows an ability to analyze, critique or defend a natural resource Issue should be submitted with resume. Send resume and sample of writing skills to: JBC, P.O. Box 659, St.
Ignatiua, MT 59865. Deadline for application 121490, JBC I an EOE, EXP. tax preparer In Hamilton. Top commission paid based on number of yrs. of exp.
Send alary requirement and re-sum to: Box 81 6L, co Mi, aoullan, P.O. Box 8029, Mis-soula, MT 69807 FULL-TIME position for Activity Director. Therapeutic Recreation degree preferred; state approved or qualifying exp. I also acceptable. Apply in person if you are energetic and enoy the elderly.
Hillside Manor, 4720 23rd Mala. Bill MANAGER PBI TRAINEE Immediate opening. Business related degree and marketing kill needed. Montana opportunity. $18K with raise and benefit.
PERSONNEL SYSTEMS 5438308 Appointment Recommended Clerical Management Sales Service Details Sunday's Ad PERSONNEL SYSTEMS 543-6308 Appointments Recommended tU4 CLERICAL NEEDED at Village Health Care Center I full-time, full-chg Bookkeeper, computer experience desirable. For more info contact Personnel at 728-9162 DETAIL-ORIENTED person with full knowledge of computer bookkeeping and balancing. This will be a part-time plus position. Call 721-3238 weekdays 3-6 p.m. only.
INSURANCE office needs person 20 hoursweek. Accurst typing, 50 wpm and computer skills required. Please mail resume to- PO Box 5523, Mi-souls, MT 69806. MCT FUNDRAISING CAMPAIGN COORDINATOR Full time position, assistant to Campaign Director. Excellent clerical, organizational a communication skills.
Salary competitive. Interviews conducted at Front Street Theatre, 221 Front, 10 a.m. 3 p.m., Mon-day. Dec. 10, 1990.
MEDICAL receptionist-transcriptional. Word Perfect, data entry a phone skills required. Salary a benefit commensurate wexperlenc. Send resume by Dec. 12 to: Dr.
Doug Woolley 900 N. Orange suite 207 Missoula, MT, 69802 Phone 728-1563 KLLA MAKKbl BUSINESS 127 FLEA MARKET, BUSINESS $14.50 per Inch per day. (Minimum of 1 inch accepted, 12-inch units after the first inch will be charged at $7.25 per half inch THE MISSOULIAN 721-6200 LARGE INDOOR FLEA MARKET EVERY SAT. SUN From 10 a.m. to 4 m.
Reserve your space lor $10. All organizalons A consignments welcome, 1701 Renkin West Broadway to Charlo, 549-7571, ''4.