, for easier access to training (2024), for easier access to training (1)

The national portal presents the training courses listed by the member training bodies and useful information on lifelong learning.

General information

Do you want to update your knowledge, or acquire new skills to progress within your company? Are you looking for a new job? Do you just want to keep abreast of any new developments?

Whatever your motivation for undertaking training, will guide you in your searches.

The portal is a meeting place for supply and demand in the field of training and as such lists 13240 training courses offered by 323 member training bodies. It also acts as a one-stop shop for full information regarding lifelong training: training support, alternative routes for obtaining qualifications, events, legislation, news etc.

Good training starts with good information!

What training courses?

Before embarking on training, you need to think about your personal or professional aim and what skills you need to get there:

  • What knowledge do I need to make progress in my job?
  • What new skills do I need to be more effective and better at my job?
  • Do I need a diploma to be able to apply for the job I want?
  • What skills do I need to acquire to ensure that I stay employable in an increasingly digital environment?...

All these questions make it possible to decide what training precisely you need, and they form a key element in the successful construction of your project. Once you have identified your aim and the skills you have to acquire, you can start looking for a training course.

Training courses sets out an extensive offer of training courses covering every sector of activity in the Luxembourgish economy.

To make your search easier, the courses can be filtered by training domain, learning method, venue, duration, level sought, preferred teaching language, etc. The content of each course is set out in detail by the corresponding training provider.

  • Search by key word
  • Search by training domain

Courses are held as day classes, evening classes, at the weekend, or as distance learning. They may be short, or spread over several months.

  • Daytime training courses
  • Evening training courses
  • Training courses at the weekend
  • Distance training courses (digital learning)
  • Regulated continuing training courses: for parental assistants, Luxembourgish nationality, arts and craft, commerce, property, HORECA, transport, health, safety officers


A number of possibilities are open to adults wishing to obtain a diploma.

Secondary education path

  • 5e classes: these provide access to vocational training and secondary education.
  • Vocational training for adults as apprenticeships or sandwich courses make it possible to obtain a:
    • CCP - Vocational Capacity Certificate (Certificat de capacité professionnelle)
    • DAP - Vocational Aptitude Diploma (Diplôme d'aptitude professionnelle)
    • DT - Technician's Diploma (Diplôme de technicien)
  • Courses leading to the Classical Secondary School Leaving Diploma (Diplôme de fin d'études secondaires classiques)
  • Courses leading to the General Secondary School Leaving Diploma (Diplôme de fin d'études secondaires générales)
  • Courses leading to the DAES - Access to Higher Education Diploma (Diplôme d'accès aux études supérieures ) or DAEU - Access to University Studies Diploma (Diplôme d’accès aux études universitaires - DAEU) with a view to obtaining a diploma equivalent to the secondary school leaving diploma

Post-secondary and higher education path

  • Classes preparing future entrepreneurs in trade craft sectors for the Master Craftsmanship (Brevet de maîtrise)
  • The BTS - Higher Technician's Certificate (Brevet de technicien supérieur), a higher education diploma awarded on successful completion of a short course, accessible through validation of non-formal and informal learning
  • Courses leading to a Bachelor's or Master's degree

Validation of non-formal and informal learning

The validation of non-formal and informal learning (Validation des acquis de l’expérience - VAE) is a scheme for allowing professional and personal experience to be recognised with a view to obtaining a diploma or partial validation, gaining access to a training path, or being partially exempted from certain parts of a programme of studies.

It can be applied in respect of the following qualifications:

  • CCP, DAP, DT, General Secondary School Leaving Diploma, and Master Craftsmanship
  • BTS
  • Bachelor's and Master's degrees with regard to access to studies or obtaining partial study exemptions

Recognition of diplomas

Newcomers who wish to start or continue their studies, work, or take up a certain type of profession in the Grand Duchy may, depending on their needs, ask for:

  • recognition of the level of study reached (without obtaining a final diploma),
  • recognition of the equivalence of a diploma (school-leaving type),
  • recognition of the level of study reached, the equivalence of a diploma, and the equivalence of vocational qualifications.

More information about the recognition of diplomas of secondary education

More information about the recognition of diplomas of higher education

Which training providers are present on

They are approved training providers - public bodies, para-public bodies, associations or private bodies - established in the Grand Duchy or another European Union member State. They offer off-the-shelf training courses and/or tailor-made courses.

See the member training providers

Become an approved training provider

What other information can be found on is also a central point of reference for any kind of information to help you with all your training projects and plans.

Training support

For successful completion of their training projects, individuals can apply for training support, in the form of special paid leave (individual training leave, language leave, etc.), working time adjustment, or financial assistance (tax deductibility, financial support for higher education, etc.).

Companies can apply for financial support from the State for training their employees via the scheme of co-funding for in-house training or subsidies for learning Luxembourgish.

See training support

Career guidance / Guidance on making a career change

When building a career, guidance serves as a tool to optimise training pathways, improve access to employment for young people and even facilitate the occupational mobility of adults and career change during working life.

More information

Studies and analyses

The Training Observatory carries out studies and provides its expertise to help public and private decision-makers anticipate economic change and guide training and employment policies.

It carries out studies and surveys on various topics:

  • Analysis of the training practices of companies applying for public co-funding for training
  • Analysis of the offer of continuing training in the Grand Duchy on the basis of a recurrent survey of approved training providers
  • Prospects for the employment of young people having completed initial vocational training, with the study entitled TEVA, Transition École - Vie Active dealing with the transition from school to working life

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Follow us on social media is developed and managed by the National Institute for the Development of Continuing Vocational Training (INFPC), a public institution under the supervision of the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth. Its mission is to promote lifelong-learning among all groups of the population involved in training - employees, job seekers, training providers, training buyers, or company managers., for easier access to training (2024)
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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

Address: Suite 228 919 Deana Ford, Lake Meridithberg, NE 60017-4257

Phone: +2613987384138

Job: Chief Retail Officer

Hobby: Tai chi, Dowsing, Poi, Letterboxing, Watching movies, Video gaming, Singing

Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.