What Exactly Is A Tuxedo Cat? Everything You Need To Know (2024)

Cats can come in a variety of colors and patterns. One of the most striking is the tuxedo cat, a contrast in black and white as well as a contrast in gregariousness and independence.

It is not a breed of cat, and yet, cats with this coloration do tend to have a general personality that includes intelligence, charmandplayfulness.

The unusual patterns are as striking as the splashy black and white coloration. They have been a popular cat color pattern for millennia and have a reputation for mystery, magicandluck.

It's no wonder at all that some of the most famous cats aretuxies.

What is a Tuxedo Cat?

Tuxedo cats get their name from being mostly black with a white chest and perhaps little whitepaws,as if they were wearing a little tuxedo. While this pattern is often associated with black and white cats, it can also apply togreyand white felines. There are also ginger coloredtuxiesand reversetuxieswho are white on top and black on the bottom.

They often have black coloring around the eyes, usually with a white chin or nose that gives them the appearance of wearing a mask, like the Phantom of the Opera or Tuxedo Mask.

Tuxedo Is Not A Breed

This is a pattern color, not a breed. A Persian can have the tuxedo pattern as could an Americanshorthair, Manx, Scottish Folds, Munchkins, Norwegian forest catsandmany others. They can be long haired, short haired, fluffy, shaggy or silky. Nearly any breed that is not defined by coat color can be a tuxedo cat.

Even then, some breeds known for a specific color or pattern may display this pattern. They just won't win any prizes for meeting breed standards.

There Are Different Types Of Tuxedo Cats

What Exactly Is A Tuxedo Cat? Everything You Need To Know (2)

Bicolor cats can come in differing patterns. Most tuxies are completely black save for the face, paws, throat, chest and perhaps the tail tip. A Van-patterned kitty will be mostly white except for the cap of the head and the tail.

There's also the cap-and-saddle with black on top of the hear or even just the ears and a black patch covering the tail, rump and some of the back. The mask-and-mantle will be black from the top of the head to the tail tip and white everywhere else.

A magpie or harlequin cat will have random patches of black and white. Some of these cats have spots on their throats that almost look like a littlebowtie. Some cats have a combination tabby andtuxiepattern, giving them a rather mackerel look.

Genetics and Patterning

It was at one time surmised that their unusual coats were the result of inactive genes that did not move quickly enough to cover the coat.

The now more commonly accepted hypothesis is inclined toward evidence that two-toned cats are formed in the uterus by a defective version of “kit” genes.

They’re defective because they do not propagate at a usual speed.

There are an equal number of males and females

While orange tabbies have a tendency to be male and calicos andtortiestend to be female, cats with a tuxedo pattern are just as likely to be male as they are female.

Whenever you see a woman in fiction wearing a tux, it signals that she's not an ordinary woman, but someone with a quirky, offbeat attitude and maybe a little star quality. The same could be said of your tuxedoed queen.

Tuxedo cats usually have green eyes

The gene connected to the tuxedo pattern seems to also have a connection with eyes in some shade of green. Tuxedo kitties often have eyes that are either bright green, golden green or bluish green. It's quite the stunning look.

Most Tuxedo Cats Have White Whiskers

Many tuxedo cats have white whiskers standing out against their black faces. While this is true of most felines, it looks especially cute on tuxedo cats.

Tuxedo patterning is caused by a white spotting gene

Like otherbicolored cats, they get their coloration from a white spotting gene mixed in with the recessive alleles of the agouti gene.

Toms and queen cats alike will both carry the necessary genes for pie-balding. Pie-balding when an animal has spots ofunpigmentedwhite fur. If the gene for being piebald is dominant, that means your cat will have a lot more white fur.

In order to have a kitty with tuxedopatterningthe animal must be either piebald dominant or have unfinished dominant genes.

Because the white spotting gene is dominant, twotuxiesare likely to have a litter of alltuxies, providing Mama doesn't have a bit on the side. (Female felines can be pregnant by more than one male at a time.)

Tuxedo Cat Personality Traits

What Exactly Is A Tuxedo Cat? Everything You Need To Know (4)

Just like James Bond, tuxedo cats look dapper but aren't afraid of a little action. They're lively, energetic and very social compared to most other cats.

As soon as you walk in the door, yourtuxiewill come running up to you with her black tail straight up in the air. They do have some sense of independence and curiosity like any other feline, however, and care must be taken to keep them from wandering off.

They also have a tendency to be very vocal, more like an opera star than the opera attendee they're dressed like.

Facts About Tuxedo Cats

The tuxedo cat's coloration can act as camouflage just as it does for a penguin. When a penguin is in the water, his white belly blends in with a light colored sky and his black back blends in with the dark colored water. With tuxedo cats, this coloration helps them hide in tall grass. Keep reading for more facts!

It’s Easy To Find Tuxedo’s At Shelters

Though uniquely beautiful, tuxedo cats are by no means rare. You are sure to find at least one at your local animal shelter.

Unfortunately, due to superstitions about black felines, many of them have trouble finding a family to take them in.

Tuxedos on average find they have to stay ten days longer in the shelter than cats ofother coloring. If you are thinking of adopting a cat, please consider a cuddly littletuxie!

You Can Find Tuxedos All Over The World

Tuxedo cats are common in every corner of the globe. Both American and British shelters are filled with plenty of tuxedo cats ready for adoption.

The Swedish cartoonPelleSvanslosmakes the tuxedo cat popular in that country.

No Known Health Concerns

Tuxedo cats are just as healthy as any other felines and their lifespan can be lengthened by the same factors. Isaac Newton was fond of tuxedo kitties and invented the cat flap so they could go in and out without his help. You may want to install a smart cat flap to limit how much outdoor time she has.

Make sure she gets the best food, enough exercise and rest not to mention regular veterinary care and you could have your friend from anywhere from fifteen to twenty years.

What Exactly Is A Tuxedo Cat? Everything You Need To Know (5)

Tuxedo Cats Were Worshipped in Ancient Egypt

A good 70% of the cats illustrated in the ancient tombs and arts from Egypt were tuxedo cats. Perhaps the Egyptians believed they represented the union of Nut the sky goddess and Geb the Earth god. They were popular in Egypt before the word “tuxedo” even meant anything.

They Are Super Smart

If you like a pet with intelligence,tuxiesare the way to go! They seem to be twice as smart as the average cat. Kittens with the tuxedo pattern have a tendency to hit developmental milestones earlier than most kittens. Despite their coloration, they're not as likely to be hit by cars as other cats. Could it be that they're smart enough to watch for traffic?

They have their place in history

Not only was this type of cat worshipped in Ancient Egypt, but William Shakespeare, Isaac Newton,Ludwig von BeethovenandRogerDaltreyall owned tuxedo cats. It was once believed that they could become invisible on the vernal equinox, giving them a magical reputation.

Today, it's believed that tuxie owners are luckier when playing the lotto. Keep reading to learn about famous tuxedo cats from bothhistoryand fictional accounts.

Famous Tuxedo Cats – Fiction

What Exactly Is A Tuxedo Cat? Everything You Need To Know (6)
  • SylvesterThe Warner Brothers'LooneyTunes cartoonsbringsus a few different tuxedo cats. Sylvester is the best known of them. He's best known for chasing afterTweetiePie the canary, but he has also been an adversary for Speedy Gonzales and a young kangaroo that Sylvester kept mistaking for a giant mouse. He never succeeded, much to the shame of his look-alike son, Junior.
  • PenelopeHer name is almost never mentioned, but she is the love interest in thePepéLe Pew cartoons. She's a somewhat fluffy feline with tuxedo markings who would somehow or anothermanagesto get a white stripe painted down her back. This would causePepéto mistake her for a female skunk and attempt to woo her, much to Penelope's dismay.
  • puss*footThis tiny kitten was only in twoLooneyTunes shorts, but her role was nonetheless memorable. She befriended a big bulldog named Marc Anthony who would go to great lengths to protect his little friend. In the first cartoon, he tries to hide her from his mistress and has a breakdown when he (mistakenly) believes puss*foot has been turned into cookies. In the other cartoon, he protects her from a bigger, meaner cat.
  • Mr.MistofeleesThe T.S. Eliot poem this showstopper from the musicalCatswas named after was described asblack“from his ears to the tip of his tail”. Lloyd Webber made him a tuxedo cat to look even more like a stage magician. There's a fan theory that he might be related toBustopherJones, explaining their similar coloration and whyMistogets away with being so impudent towards him.
  • The Cat in the HatHe was the eponymous star of a couple of Dr. Seuss books about a mischievous cat who likes to have fun while rhyming. The Mike Myers movie based on the character was something of a bomb, but the educational children's programThe Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot about Thatmakes up for it by teaching kids about science.
  • Peter-No-TailIn his native Sweden, he's calledPelleSvanslös. Peter-No-Tail is the star of a series of children's books byGöstaKnutssonand two feature films. He was born not only with tuxedo markings but no tail, a great shame among cats. Despite this shortcoming, his kind and gentle naturemanagesto win him friends including acream coloredqueen named MollySilknose.
  • TomMost tuxedo kitties depicted in fiction are black and white. Tom was the raregreytuxie. He's also the one with seven Academy Awards! He's best known for chasing a mouse named Jerry and getting into many amusing incidents along the way. In “The Cat Concerto” Tom wears a literal tuxedo (that doesn't survive the picture) as he shows off his skills as a piano virtuoso, waking up a very annoyed Jerry while he's at it.
  • FigaroIn Disney's second feature filmPinocchio,Geppettohas a little black and white cat named Figaro. The same cat can be seen in a few Mickey Mouse cartoons as Minnie's pet. There was a deleted scene whereGeppettohad to stop Figaro from eating Cleo the goldfish. A mechanical Figaro can be seen at Fantasy Faire in Disney Land being woken by a singing caged bird.
  • Kat KongThis humorous children's picture book by Dav Pilkey re-imagines King Kong as a plump tuxedo kitty going on a rampage in Mousopolis. The pictures are an innovative collage of manipulated photos and acrylic paint.

Famous Tuxedo Cats – Reality

What Exactly Is A Tuxedo Cat? Everything You Need To Know (7)
  • SocksWhen President Bill Clinton moved into the White House, his teenage daughter Chelsea brought her pet cat Socks with her. Socks would be spoofed by appearances inMad, Outlandand on episodes ofMurphy BrownandEek! The Cat.
  • SimonThis little sea kitty sailed with the British Royal Navy in 1949 during the Chinese civil war. He was awarded the PDSA Dicken medal for protecting the soldiers' rations. Unfortunately, the poor thing died of wounds after an attack.
  • TrixieThey say only dogs are loyal, but this cat could be loyal too. Lots of people try to break out of prison, but Trixie broke in! Trixie somehow or another broke into the Tower of London in 1801 just to be with her owner.
  • Tuxedo StanIn 2012, Tuxedo Stan was a black and white cat who ran for mayor of Halifax, Canada. While he didn't win, he did inspire the city council to donate a sizable grant to the area in order to build a low-cost spay and neuter clinic.
  • PalmerstonHis full title is Chief Mouser of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office at Whitehall in London. His job is to keep the offices at the King Charles Street building free of rodents. He has been known to scrap with Larry, Chief Mouser to the Cabinet Office.
  • RooseveltRoosevelt was saved as a partially paralyzedfour weekold kitten by Tenth Life Cat Rescue. Roosevelt pulled through though he was never able to walk or eliminate properly. He now lives at a veterinary clinic where he improves the morale of the patients.
  • SparkyIn 1998, Sparky inherited 6.3 million dollars on the demise of hisowner, making him one of the richest cats in the world.
  • RoderickCats love to climb! The only cat ever to climb Mount Everest was a tuxedo cat named Roderick.
  • FelixYou can find the image of this smiling tuxedo cat on the package of Purina's Felix line of cat foods. The wonderful, wonderful cat of the old cartoons he was named after is almost entirely black save for his large eyes. This Felix has a white mask to better frame his wide, pink smile.
  • Professor MeowingtonsPhDThis highly educated cat belong to electronic artist deadmau5. He has featured his adorable little cat on several album covers.
What Exactly Is A Tuxedo Cat? Everything You Need To Know (8)


The tuxedo cat is both beautiful and plentiful. One is sure to make a playful, clever and adoring companion. There are many different types and they come in just about every breed.

Consider a dapper little fellow or a dashing little lady for your new furry companion. You will be glad you did!

Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of cat is a tuxedo cat?

A tuxedo cat gets the name from being mostly black with a white chest as if they are wearing a tuxedo. It’s not a breed, but simply the coat pattern of the cat.

What is a tuxedo cats personality?

Tuxedo cats can be of different breeds, thus their personality will vary accordingly.

Are tuxedo cats rare?

The tuxedo coat pattern is not rare so there are many breeds of cats that have this pattern.

Are all black and white cats tuxedo cats?

Tuxedo cats are not a specific breed, it’s simply the coat pattern.


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What Exactly Is A Tuxedo Cat? Everything You Need To Know (2024)
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