Travis Scott's lawyer slams 'finger-pointing' over Astroworld tragedy: What we know (2024)

Travis Scott's Astroworld music festival turned deadly onNov. 5when a crowd surge pushed concertgoers towards the stage, crushing and trampling fans, killing eight and leaving some fighting for their lives.

Since then, a criminal investigation has launched into the eventand multiple lawsuits have been filed against Scott and the promoter, Live Nation Entertainment.

Meanwhile, Scott's attorneyEdwin F. McPherson is accused others, including Houston city officials, of "finger-pointing," sending "inconsistent messages" and "(backtracking) from original statements" in a statement issued to USA TODAY earlier this month.

"Investigations should start proceeding over finger-pointing sothat together, we can identify exactly what transpired and how we can prevent anything like this from happening again," McPherson said.

On Nov. 11 , USA TODAY exclusively revealed findings from an 11-page log written by firefighters as the night unfolded. The notes, filled in manually byHouston Fire officialsin a command center, show howthe festivalbegan with crowds rushing over barricades andescalated into further chaosandhow police, paramedics and others responded to the growing crisis.

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As the details of one of the deadliest concert disasters in U.S. history continue to surface, here's everything else we know so far.

'This is when it all got real':Firefighter log reveals deadly moments at Astroworld

What happened at Astroworld?A minute-by-minute, visual account of how chaos unfolded

Astroworld security guard wasn't injected with drugs, police chief says

On Nov. 10, Houston Police Chief Troy Finner offered clarity on a security guard who was rumored to have been injected with drugs during themelee. Finnersaid the guard was not injected with anything, but was struck in the head and knocked unconscious. Police are still investigating whether there were laced drugs at the concert, he added.

Finner said it was up to show promoter Live Nation Entertainment, not police, to "secure" two mosh pits directly in front of the stage, describingstaffing records handed over by organizers as "just not good." He emphasized that he was not placing any blame.

Travis Scott's lawyer slams 'finger-pointing' over Astroworld tragedy: What we know (1)

Finner also defended the Houston Police Department's ability toconduct afair investigation, saying "we investigate ourselves all the time." Finnerconfirmed "around 530" police officers were onsite at the concert. The police chief, who said he spoke to Scott ahead of his concert Friday about security concerns,denied having a relationship with the rapper that would impede the investigation.

"I’m a 54-year-old man. I meet a lot of people. I was born and raised here in Houston. If you call meeting (Scott) twicea relationship...that’s not a close relationship to me. I've only spoken to him twice. Let’s put that to rest," Finner said.

Finner calledthe FBI a partner in the investigation, but said his department was taking the lead.

When asked why the police did not shut the show down immediately, Finner responded, "When you say authority and ability to end a show, we don’t hold the plug ...The ultimate authority to end the show is with production, and the entertainer. And thatshould be through communication with public safety officials."

Finner later said onTwitter that when CPR was performed on the audience members, Houston police"told personnel in charge of the event to shut down the performance."

He declined to comment on questions regarding a timeline of events on Friday, saying it was part of the ongoing investigation.

"Timelines are a major focus of the investigation right now," Finnersaid.

Astroworld refunds and lawsuits:Travis Scott offers 'full refunds' toattendees, lawsuits filed in tragedy's aftermath

Festival's operation plan was lacking

A 56-page event operations planfor the festival, obtained by USA TODAY,revealed protocols in place for "multiple casualty incidents" as well as what to do in the case of an active shooter, bomb threats, severe weather and more.

The safety and security plan outlined an incident management plan including what to do in the case of "traumatic injury resulting in death." Protocols included notifying event control and referring to the "suspected deceased victim" using the code "smurf" and never using the term "dead"or "deceased"over the radio.

The plan for a multiple casualty incident said to establish communications and triage stations and notifyhospitals of the need to prepare for incoming patients. Another sectionof the document outlined what to do if there was a "civil disturbance or riot" and listed tips for identifying dangerous crowd behavior. Guidance again included reporting activity to event control and requesting a supervisor.

The plan did not specifically address what to do in the case of a crowd surge.

Travis Scott's lawyer slams 'finger-pointing' over Astroworld tragedy: What we know (2)

Texas governor launches concert-safety task force

In the wake of the Astroworld tragedy, Texas Governor Greg Abbott released a statementon Nov. 10 announcinghe would be forming the Texas Task Force on Concert Safety.

The task force, led by the Texas Music Office director Brendon Anthony, will have a team of safety experts, firefighters and music-industry experts, as well as representatives from the state's police chief and sheriff's associations.

The purpose of the task force is to "develop meaningfulsolutions that will keep Texans safe while maximizing the joy of live music events."

"Live music is a source of joy, entertainment, and community for so many Texans — and the last thing concertgoers should have to worry about is their safety and security," said Governor Abbott in the statement.

Houston Fire Department lost contact with private medic group

Houston fire officials – perched outside the festival grounds – had no way to directly communicate with medics from ParaDocs Worldwide, thefestival medic group contracted to provide treatment to fans, USA TODAY reported Nov. 9.

Houston fire officials shared two-way radios with police but only had cellphone numbers for ParaDoc medics – which didn’t work or weren’t answered in the frenzy of the night, fire officials said.

The breakdown in communication with ParaDocscost the Houston Fire Department valuable minutes in launching a robust medical response as people were trampled, crushed and gasping for final breaths while authorities struggled to get information and create a rescue plan, fire officials said.

Interviews with senior fire officials and documents detailing the night’s events, including a22-page medical plan filed by ParaDocs, reviewed by USA TODAY show how the severity of injuries rapidly escalated as Scott took the stage and how quickly ParaDocs was overwhelmed, forcing Houston fire officials to assume authority and deploy resources to the scene.

Read more:As Astroworld disaster unfolded, Houston Fire Department lost contact with private medic group

Ezra, 9-year-old that was in a coma after being separated from his dad at Astroworld, dies

Hundreds of people were treated for injuries on-site and at least 13 were hospitalized. They included a 9-year-old boy who attended the festival with his father but became separated as the crowd became dangerously packed, according to family members.

Bernon Blount said his grandson, Ezra, was in a medically induced coma on Nov. 9 at a Houston hospital and that the boy's heart, lungs and brain were injured in the melee.

"My son, once he had passed out from the pressure being applied to him during the concert, he passed out and Ezra fell into the crowd,"Blount told The Associated Press. "When my son awakened, Ezra wasn’t there."

On Nov. 14, Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner confirmed that Blount had died in a tweet. Blount was the 10th person to die from injuries related to the Nov. 5 concert.

Travis Scott's lawyer slams 'finger-pointing' over Astroworld tragedy: What we know (3)

Ezra was the youngest person to die in connection to the music festival, where a large crowd surge pushed toward the stage as Scott performed, packing people so tightly together they couldn’t breathe.

"I am saddened to learn of Ezra’s death this evening," Turner wrote. "Our city tonight prays for his mom, dad, grandparents, other family members and classmates at this time. They will need all of our support in the months and years to come. May God give them strength."

Lawsuits claim 'profits' over safety

Concertgoers have fileddozens oflawsuits,and Scott isnamed in at least 14of the personal injury lawsuits filed in Harris County, Texas, by Astroworld attendees,alleging negligence and gross negligence.

“Tragically, due to Defendants’ motivation for profit at the expense of concertgoers’ health and safety, and due to their encouragement of violence, at least 8 people lost their lives and scores of others were injured at what was supposed to be a night of fun,” reads one of the complaints, filed on behalf of injured Astroworld attendee Manuel Souza.

Famed civil rights attorney Benjamin Crump filed on behalf of survivor Noah Gutierrez. Gutierrez described a scene of "chaos and desperation," Crump said.

"We are hearing horrific accounts of the terror and helplessness people experienced," Crump said in a statement. "The horror of a crushing crowd and the awful trauma of watching people die while trying to save them."

Legal action has also been taken on behalf of concert attendee Kristian Paredes.

"There is no excuse for the events that unfolded at NRG stadium on Friday night," Paredes' attorney Thomas J. Henry said in a news release. "There is every indication that the performers, organizers, and venue were not only aware of the hectic crowd but also that injuries and potential deaths may have occurred. Still, they decided to put profits over their attendees and allowed the deadly show to go on."

The familiesof Jacob “Jake” Jurinek, 20, and Franco Patino, 21 — two close friends from suburban Chicago who werekilled at theconcert—have also filed wrongful death lawsuits against rapper Scott, the Live Nation entertainment company and others.

“Defendants egregiously failed in their duty to protect the health, safety, and lives of those in attendance at the concert, including but not limited to the failure to provide adequate security personnel to implement crowd control measures, proper barricades, and the failure to provide a sufficient amount of emergency medical support,” the suits contends.

Patino and Jurinek were both college students, Patino at the University of Dayton in Ohio and Jurinek at Southern Illinois University-Carbondale. They had been football teammates atNeuqua Valley High School in Naperville, Illinois.

A partner in the Chicago law firm Corboy & Demetrio, which filed the lawsuits this week in Harris County Courts in Houston, said the families are trying to make sense of something that makes no sense.

“A healthy, strong 20- or 21-year-old child goes off to a concert thinking he’s going to have some fun, and they’re going to be celebrating, in this case, Jake’s 21st birthday,” Corboy said,according to the Naperville Sun. “Nobody expects to go to something as happy and joyous as concert where they end up dying. Nobody anticipates when they pay these high prices for these concert tickets that they have to worry about things like that.”

Travis Scott issues refunds, responds to tragedy

Scottand festival organizers issued "full refunds" to all those who purchased tickets forAstroworldfollowing the tragic turn of his Houston concert.

The rapper was scheduled to perform at the Day N Vegas music festivalthe following weekend, but was replaced by Post Malone,the festival announcedon Nov. 8.

Scott first released a statement in response to the tragedy on themorningof Nov. 6saying he was"devastated" by what occurred.

"My prayers go out to the families and all those impacted by what happened at Astroworld Festival. Houston PD has my total support as they continue to look into the tragic loss of life," he said.

"I am committed to working togetherwith the Houston community to heal and support the families in need. Thank you Houston PD, Fire Department and NRG Park for their immediate response and support," Scott added.

Later that day, Scott posted a distraught update onhis Instagram Stories."I just want to send out prayers to the ones that (were) lost last night. …... You know my fans … really mean the world to me and I always just want to leave them with a positive experience and any time I can make out anything that’s going on, I stop the show and help them get the help they need."

What went wrong at Astroworld?Expert: It took 'everything going wrong, like dominoes'

Travis Scott's lawyer slams 'finger-pointing' over Astroworld tragedy: What we know (5)

Witnesses describe how the crowd surge unfolded

Houston authorities and witnesses describeda crowd surge at the event that left eight dead and several others injured.

The surge began shortly after 9 p.m. around the time that Scott, afestival headliner and founder, took the stage. As a timer clicked down to start the rapper'sperformance, concertgoerspushed toward the stage, crowding the stage and leaving little room to move.Around 50,000 people were in attendance.

Witnessesdescribed a complete security collapseat the venue. The crowd was "out of control" before the show ever opened, said concertgoer Julius Tlacuapa.

Ian James, who also attended the festival, shared his story with USA TODAY, describing the chaos. "As the music started, everyone charged forward, and it was like a vacuum as we all got sucked in closer to the front. That's when things started taking a turn for the worse," Jameswrote. "For 45 minutes I could not draw a full breath of air…If I had been any shorter, I would've suffocated."

First-person account:At Travis Scott's Astroworld, I had to help lift shorter people up so they could breathe

Victims of the incident include an aspiring model, students

Eight deaths were confirmed with victims ranging in age between 14 and 27. They are Mirza Danish Baig, 27; RodolfoPeña, 23; Madison Dubiski, 23; Axel Acosta Avila, 21; Franco Patino, 21; Jacob Jurinek, 20; Brianna Rodriguez, 16; and John Hilgert, 14.

Among the victims were an aspiring model (Peña), a man who died trying to save his fiancee (Baig), best friends (Acosta and Patino) and a girl who loved to dance (Rodriguez). Many of them were students at various high schools and universities.

Autopsies will be performed before the victims are released to their families,Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo said.

Travis Scott has a history of concert accidents

Scott launched the Astroworld festival in 2018,months after the release of histhird studio album of the same name.Since then, the concert has occurred every year, except for 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic, at Houston's NRG Park – the former location of Six Flags AstroWorld theme park.

His "Astroworld" album led Scott to receivemultiple Grammy nominations, including best rap album and best rap song for hiscollaboration with Drakefor "Sicko Mode." He has been nominated eight times throughout his career.

Scott has a reputation of high-energy performances and rowdy crowds. Concertgoers are often called "ragers" and say the explosive energy in the crowd is what makes the shows so popular and fun. Scott has been arrested at least two times– in 2015 and 2017– for inciting riots and disorderly conduct at his shows. He pleaded guilty in both cases, the former resulting in a one-year probation and the latter he was ordered to pay court fees and restitution for two injured people.

The 29-year-old rapper has a 3-year-old daughter withKylie Jenner, who announced in September that she’s pregnant with their second child.

Contributing:NusaibaMizan,Austin American-Statesman; Jennifer McClellan and Hannah Yasharoff, USA TODAY

Travis Scott's lawyer slams 'finger-pointing' over Astroworld tragedy: What we know (2024)
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