Spoiler - The Tyrant Wants To Live Honestly/ 폭군님은 착하게 살고 싶어 (2024)

  1. IIVISSWell-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2022
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    I wanna know about Theon. In the current timeline does he have a feeling for Dorothea ? Or he like that pink hair girl? And when will Dorothea fell in love with Ethan coz it still look like she have a feeling for Theon.

    What about the emperor? Did he regrets his action towards her or still be a jerk till the end??

    Last edited: Mar 31, 2023

    IIVISS,Mar 31, 2023


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  2. torte1315Well-Known Member

    Nov 9, 2022
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    previous spoiler in this same page says that theon ends up with julia, and their kids and ethan and dorothea’s kids are friends. ethan also helps theon with his spirit problem thingy.

    ethan confessing and dorothea accepting it is spoiled somewhere in the thread. if not in the first page TOC then look through the pages.

    previous spoiler says the emperor regretted only at his deathbed and apologized to her before he kicked the bucket. before that, he kept thinking about his life retrospectively and thought that dorothea really looked like alice (her mom), and he wonders if he could still face alice in the afterlife after all the abuse and neglect he put on his children, especially dorothea. dorothea cried on his deathbed, but not on his funeral.

    correction: all of them were selfish in the 1st tl girl. i don’t have to explain for mc since she’s literally a tyrant (plus lovebombing and emotionally abusing theon; she was no different to all those cold male trash we hate in other novels, only difference this time is she’s a girl and she’s the protag of the story so we see things through her perspective, causing us to empathize with her more.

    raymond, being the “golden child” was also abused, just not the same method as the emperor inflicted on dorothea; one clue is forcing him to be the crown prince even if he is aware that dorothea’s much better suited for it and every time they call him that he feels dead inside because he can’t even do the things he wants to do or be the thing he wants to be which is become a farmer. he’s being used by his father to indirectly hurt dorothea, and he’s not even that aware of it. it’s already spoiled but he did care for his sister; the problem was, it’s hard to stand up for others sometimes because you’re afraid that the abuse would fall on you too. this is very realistic when it comes to not only familial/ sibling or romantic relationships, but also with friends or colleagues or even strangers. i never understood the immense hate people had on raymond especially when it’s very clear that the emperor was deliberate in differentiating the abuse between them. it also doesn’t erase the fact that he was a kid. i can’t even fault him for crying and flipflopping between love and hate for his father, because i’m in the same boat right now with my uncle/adoptive dad. it’s a very confusing feeling and i feel so torn and messed up about it when i know he’s a narcissistic lying cheating abusive piece of sh*t but at the same time he was also the only dad i’ve ever known and he was kind and always treated me as a daughter, taking on that task even when he had three kids of his own already. i’m literally the same as raymond rn lmao.

    as for theon, sure he technically kind of manipulated mc about being close to her and lying about his true intentions, but he did believe that they could have a peaceful marriage and it would work. it was clear as day that it was a political but respectable marriage for theon, but for dorothea it was love. with that marriage agreement, they were actually both winning, especially with theon because it was a matter of LITERAL life and death for him. as in if he didn’t accept that deal he would slowly die. a person who wants to live will always seek out a way for them to prolong their lives, even through desperate methods. what dorothea did to him in the first timeline was despicable and theon’s actions were literally the size of an ant compared to dorothea’s abuse towards him by forcing him to love her even when she knows deep down he doesn’t, or lovebombing him with gifts because she thinks it will make him warm up to her, or even placing him on house arrest??? also killing his bestfriend and his method for him to continue living and taking it out on julia, killing her too by ordering ethan to do it because of jealousy???? hello???? you don’t do that to someone you love holy sh*t. it’s absolutely appalling how people are erasing dorothea’s past just because she’s a girl and we see her story. theon had every reason to hate her, especially since she directly lead him to insanity and suicide. she does not get the fl pass of being sheltered and shielded and coddled just because she’s terrified of seeing them again for this. the only karmic retribution she gets are from readers who rightfully shun her actions in the 1st TL, and she deserves all of it. if people can sh*t on ruve for the things he did in the 1st tl, then why does dorothea get a free pass? what the f*ck is this privilege? yall better keep the same energy.

    all in all, we can understand that dorothea did not deserve the mistreatment she got from her previous life; however, that does not protect her from being criticized and dragged to filth from committing war crimes and heinous offenses when discussing about her. also, the only one responsible for hurting and causing most of the problems mc had in her first life is the emperor. what about the justice for all the people she killed that weren’t even the root cause of her suffering? she was very narrow-minded and had a very self-victimization complex; you do not solve things by murdering in cold blood. this isn’t the puss* power yall are thinking. the spoilers literally say that she was a sh*tty person because of her sh*tty upbringing but news flash, she also caused the deaths of a lot of people; people that never got justice for the unnecessary cruelty she inflicted on them because of her constantly shifting blame instead of focusing on the emperor. she does gets her just desserts in regards to this: knowing that she killed these people and seeing them again, but being one of the only two people who know about it. their faces will be constant reminders of her actions in the past. i swear some of yall see one spoiler and never gain comprehension skills and just take things at face value instead of understanding the material, smh Spoiler - The Tyrant Wants To Live Honestly/ 폭군님은 착하게 살고 싶어 (3)

    torte1315,Mar 31, 2023


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  3. IIVISSWell-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2022
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    Thank you so much <3 So Julia isn't a white lotus or a villain right...?

    Last edited: Apr 2, 2023

    IIVISS,Apr 2, 2023


  4. torte1315Well-Known Member

    Nov 9, 2022
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    apparently not really. she didn’t do anything except be a friend to theon and send him letters when he was isolated during his house arrest in the previous timeline so that he’s still comforted. mc was one of the evil people in the previous life, and she killed julia for no reason at all. that’s what i’m taking umbrage at with the previous commenters; they instantly come to the defense of mc without regarding that every single one of them: mc, her brother, theon, and julia were all subject to abuse one way or another. mc also did most of the despicable things that led to so many unnecessary deaths and the su*c*de of theon but they’re so quick to erase that. being a victim of abuse does not excuse you if you enter the cycle and perpetuate abuse yourself to other people. to the other commenters: she f*cked up, what’s so hard to admit about that? she isn’t an uwu poor baby angel. the only person yall should be directing your anger at is the emperor. he’s the reason for all of the sh*t that the central characters went through. it literally trickled down and he subjected these four to a sick twisted abuse cycle.

    torte1315,Apr 2, 2023


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  5. AnniePooWell-Known Member

    May 2, 2021
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  6. IIVISSWell-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2022
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    Thank you so much <3

    IIVISS,Apr 8, 2023


  7. ThemisWeepsWell-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2022
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    I actually don’t hate the FL or Raymond, her brother. I pity her and I do find her brother a bit annoying (prob bc I overly pity the FL) but it’s also not really his fault. I think Raymond needs to kind of learn how to read the air/room but I think it’s just his character.

    Yes, she’s always thinking boohoo why me but it makes sense. Ever since she was a child, she was neglected by her father and shown constant hatred by him while he showered Raymond with love. Any child neglected like that and not properly taken care of would become twisted like that and their object of hatred goes towards the one receiving affection from said figure. So even when she regresses and has the mentality of an adult, it makes sense she’s still stuck like that. Trauma from parental neglect like that doesn’t disappear over night.

    Ofc, it doesn’t excuse her actions like what she did to Theon in TL1 I think it’s still worth noting she’s trying to atone for it. And as irritating as she might be currently in the manwha she still has room for growth. I feel like she’s slowly healing when she slightly reveals her inner thoughts to her current guard and knight under the pretense that it was a dream. He gave a positive supportive response and that’s what she needed in TL1 but didn’t get.

    Although, I think one thing that is messed up is that Eden killed Julia on his own (?) which led to Theon thinking it was FL but it wasn’t.

    Also, quick question since we saw it in the manwha so far… do we know why Eden betrayed the FL in TL1 and had her killed? He loved her so much but then he betrayed her? Was it because she had gone too far?

    I think it’s safe to say that Eden most likely turned back time since when we see him in the manwha he clearly looks like he remembers the FL. He’s also very hostile towards Theon whenever they meet.

    ThemisWeeps,Apr 8, 2023


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  8. SoShyWell-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2017
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    Hope the bast*rd gets castrated by his wife when they meet in after life. Sh*t bast*rd doesn't deserve to have children in any life he gets to live. What a piece of absolute garbage. Hope he gets run over by a dump truck in his next life and survive being crippled and disfigured. Trash King.

    SoShy,Apr 8, 2023


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  9. HaanaahActive Member

    Apr 12, 2022
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    Does anyone know which chapter in mtl when the emperor slap dorothea becazsw she failed the test?

    Haanaah,Apr 9, 2023


  10. EiidachanWell-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2020
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    Anybody knows how that arrogant prince from Hark ends up? The nerve he has to insult Dorothea and even said his country will take over hers when her position is higher than his and he is from a minor country. Spoiler - The Tyrant Wants To Live Honestly/ 폭군님은 착하게 살고 싶어 (12)

    Eiidachan,Apr 17, 2023


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  11. Chrana234Well-Known Member

    Apr 21, 2022
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    Actually I found every boy , including ML are annoying. They doesnt know how to read a mood??? Like, even ML is annoying brat.

    Chrana234,May 18, 2023


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  12. ThemisWeepsWell-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2022
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    Honestly, for real I need his wife to be like wth is wrong with you. Idk if you’ve read “I tamed a tyrant and ran away” / “Taming of the tyrant” but in that series the sh*ty dad actually does meet his deceased wife in his dreams (or smth like that) and his deceased wife goes ballistic on him when he tells her truthfully that he didn’t treat their daughter well. It was really refreshing to see that.

    I would love to see that in here lol

    ThemisWeeps,May 18, 2023


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  13. DofuWell-Known Member

    Jul 19, 2021
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    Reading this spoiler thread is making me not want to read this novel/manhwa. This story has a basis for a true redemption arc, which is hard to find. Most of the time these kinds of stories are a few tweaks equal complete redemption. The story is interesting, but the discussion here is infuriating half the time. Seeing y'all victim blame children and an abused spouse is honestly driving me up the wall.

    Last edited: May 20, 2023

    Dofu,May 20, 2023


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  14. yoyo098Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2021
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    a sane person in this thread?!?!
    The pure fact that more than 11 people like this post and that OP types this out is actually insane. Jesus you weirdos need to be locked up

    yoyo098,May 23, 2023


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  15. tempekemulWell-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2018
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    He was beheaded by Dorothea during the war in the last arc, if I remember correctly.

    tempekemul,May 24, 2023


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  16. Cookiemonster_007isbackI need them cookies

    Jun 30, 2022
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    Question :
    Someone spoiled that Ethan Bronte, the silver haired boy was abused by his family?

    In the chapters that are out, it is just his elder brother who seems to be hard on him and make him slave.

    I haven't yet seen any of the parts where duch*ess Bronte was tough on him or hates him, not only that, she even cancelled her son's party when he abused Ethan and also hugged the latter.

    Can someone please highlight what is the truth then

    Second, Duke Bronte and duch*ess Bronte seems to have a cordial relationship with each other, despite Duke Bronte cheating on his wife?

    I'm unable to get the gist of the entire narrative? Or did manhwa cut down a lot important parts of the novel?

    Cookiemonster_007isback,May 25, 2023


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  17. CreolenerdWell-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2019
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    ML about to bully innocent kids don't ruin if

    Creolenerd,May 28, 2023


  18. AlmostMedsWell-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2022
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    I've read the spoilers and I can honestly say, I don't like Julia. Despite knowing how much her best friends like and care for Dorothea, she seems alarmingly comfortable suggesting they use Dorothea for their own needs, as a means to an end.

    They same goes for Theon. From the spoilers it seems he treats Dorothea like some sort of pet rather than a living breathing person, especially in the first timeline. It says a lot about who he is that the people closest to him suggest he corner Dorothea into a loveless political marriage so that he can be comfortable. If this is the environment Dorothea was surrounded by, no wonder she lost the plot in her first life.

    The self-serving behavior of all these characters (I'm not even touching the King) makes it very difficult not to had-wave Ethan's glaring character flaws. Simple because, everything he does comes from a much more genuine place re Dorothea than anyone else around her including Raymond.

    Also Ray, you have really sh*tty friends. You might want to tell them that your sister matters and if they try to hurt her you'll make them pay. Just a thought. You know, where you behave like an older brother. What an idea, right?

    AlmostMeds,May 31, 2023


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  19. ThemisWeepsWell-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2022
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    Yeah, Theon’s dad and Julia immediately jumping the gun for Theon and Dorothea to get engaged when they most likely know that Dorothea and Ethan share mutual feelings. No one ever genuinely cared about Dorothea and they still don’t, they only paid attention to her now b/c she has the special ability that the royal family has. Imo this novel does a good job of showing how shallow people can be.

    I wished Ray would stand up for Dorothea when they got older, but I don’t think he does which is such a shame after all the times he proclaims that he loves and cares for her :T

    ThemisWeeps,Jun 1, 2023


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  20. AlmostMedsWell-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2022
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    Exactly. I want to understand and excuse them. I know Dorothea was wrong in the first timeline. She went off the rails completely. But the fact that, despite her changing, these three still very much remain self-absorbed self-serving jerks makes it so hard to hold Dorothea accountable for her actions. Ray, Theon, and Julia are deserving of disdain in the second timeline because their actions reveal who they are as people when Dorothea's anger-ambition (their main villain) is taken out of the equation. And what's revealed underneath is far from flattering.

    The part about Julia (moreso) and Theon I don't get is this. Dorothea is Ray's 'beloved' younger sister. And yet their thought and actions don't show a recognition of how precious she supposedly is to Ray. This is your best friend's sister you're talking about. And yet, there seems to be no related hesitation or caution toward her. E.g. She's Ray's beloved little sister, we can't talk about her or treat her like that. Whether that's because Ray's regard for her feels so shallow (no protectiveness or actual material demonstration of his love outside of sending her letters and pestering her) that his best friends completely miss the weight of it, or whether it's because said best friends really don't care, I don't know. But I do know that usually best friends of loving older brothers are cautious about messing with little sisters. And that caution seems completely absent here.

    Last edited: Jun 2, 2023

    AlmostMeds,Jun 2, 2023


    SolSolace, ThemisWeeps, maenochka and 2 others like this.

Spoiler - The Tyrant Wants To Live Honestly/ 폭군님은 착하게 살고 싶어 (2024)
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