Compton Crips (C.C. Riders) (2024)

Compton Crips (C.C. Riders) (1)

The Compton Cripsare a large umbrella, made up of several sub-gangs located throughout the city of Compton, California.The Compton Cripswere founded by Mac Thomas, in the 1960s. Mac Thomas Compton Crips were allies of the Westside Crips led by Stanley Tookie Williams, who is also the co-founder of the Crips.

Mac Thomas and Tookie Williamswere introduced by a mutual friend Raymond Washington, founder of the Eastside Crips and Co-founder of the Crips. However, in 1971, Mac Thomas hadresentment towardsRaymond Washingtonfor forming an alliance with the Piru Street Family (Piru Crips), who were arch enemies of the Compton Crips. Nevertheless, by 1970, the Piru-Crip alliance soon shattered after constant conflict.

Mac Thomas and Raymond Washingtonwere both arrested on separate occasions. Meanwhile, back on the streets, their gangs broke up into several smaller sub-sets the Original Swap Crips and the Grandee Compton Crips were the first subsets of the Compton Crips to emerge.By the mid-1980s, there were over twenty active street gangs under the Compton Crips umbrella.

Mac Thomas and Raymond Washingtonshared a similar faith, both were murdered after being released from prison. Mac Thomas, who was the undisputed leader of the Compton Crips turned into a full-time hustler. He was allegedly murdered by his crime partners, for his stake in a robbery heist, according to Blue Rag, Black Redemption: A Memoir By Stanley Tookie Williams.

C.C. Riders

C.C. Riders(Compton Crips Riders) pronouncedCC Ridas,and often spelled with a Z (CC Ridaz).The term CC Riders was discovered byFredrick “Baby Gangster” Staves, who is affiliated with the Santana Blocc Compton Crips. Along with fellow comradeBig Marcellus, together they formed CC Riders in the Los Angeles County Jail, in 1986. Which, consisted of an alliance between allCrip gangs, whofalls under the Compton Cripsbrand.

In Entertainment

The Compton Cripsbecame nationally known during the 1980s and early 1990s, after being linked tothe late Eazy-E (of NWA) andMC Ren (of NWA), who grew up in the areas claimed by the Neighborhood Compton Crips and the Kelly Park Compton Crips. In 1990, the Tragniew Park Compton Crips received media attention outside of Compton after being connected to MC Eiht (of C.M.W.) and Tha Chill (of C.M.W.).

In 1993, Bloods & Crips, a rap group consisting of members from rival gangs such as Awol (of Kelly Park), Gangater Bone and BG Scarface (of Atlantic Drive Compton Crips) and Redrum 781 (ofAvenue Piru Gang). In 1993, BG Knocc Out and Dresta (brothers) affiliated with the Nutty Blocc Compton Crips signed to Ruthless Records, a music label founded by Eazy-E.

Allies & Crips

The Compton Cripsshared a close alliance with crip sets in the Watts area of South Los Angeles. This alliance is known as the Hub&Duband dates back to the 1980s, according to the Compton Police Department.Hub is another name for Compton (Hub City) and the “Dub” is a reference to the “W” in Watts.

Gangs under the Hub & Dub alliance fought side by side against larger rival gangs in the Los Angeles County Jail. Compton rappers BG Knocc Out and Gangsta Dresta, dedicated a song to this alliance on their debut album (Real Brothers) called “Compton & Watts” in 1995.

The Compton Crips, traditional and oldest rivals are the Compton Pirus, which expanding to neighboring cities such as Carson and Inglewood, California. Other early rivals of the Compton Crips were gangs located in the city of Long Beach, which is dominated by Crips.

For instance, the Southside Crips, located in Compton and the Mac Mafia Crips, located in Long Beach, were involved in a violent feud that resulted in the shooting death of Yetunde Price, the half-sister of Venusand Serena Williams on Sept. 14, 2003.

Nevertheless, these feuds between Compton Crips and Long Beach Crips has dissolved over time with the newer generation, with the exception of the Southside Crips, who remain enemies of all gangs in Long Beach. Most Compton Crips tend to share their neighborhoods with Latino street gangs, due to Compton being one of the smallest cities in the Los Angeles County.

However, racial tension escalated during the early 1990s, after most Latino street gangs started paying taxes to the Mexican Mafia, one of the most violent prison gang in Southern California.The Compton Varrio 155, are perhaps one of the most racial Latino street gangs in Compton, mainly known for their hate crimes against African-Americans with or without gang ties.

The Original Swap Compton Crips and the Compton Varrio 155, have been bitter rivals since the 1970s. On the Eastside of town, the Mona Park Crips, Poccet Hood Crips, and the Anzac GrapeCrips, all feudwith the Compton Varrio Largos 36. However, the majority of racially motivated feuds, between Compton Crips and Compton Varrio gangs has calmed down.

CC Riders InAlphabetical Order

  • Acacia Blocc Compton Crips
  • Anzac Grape Compton Crips
  • Atlantic Drive Compton Crips
  • Anzac Grape Compton Crips
  • Carver Park Compton Crips
  • Chester Street Compton Crips
  • Duccy Hood Compton Crips
  • Farm Dog Compton Crips
  • Front Hood Compton Crips
  • Kelly Park Compton Crips
  • Lantana Blocc Compton Crips
  • Mona Park Compton Crips
  • Neighborhood Compton Crips
  • Nestor Ave Compton Crips
  • Nutty Blocc Compton Crips
  • Original Swamps Compton Crips
  • Palmer Blocc Compton Crips
  • Park Village Compton Crips
  • Poccet Hood Compton Crips
  • Raymond Street Hustler Compton Crips
  • Santana Blocc Compton Crips
  • Six Hood Compton Crips
  • South Side Compton Crips
  • Spook Town Compton Crips
  • Tragniew Park Compton Crips
  • Twilight Zone Compton Crips
  • Ward Lane Compton Crips


Compton Gangs History


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  1. blue rags..all the way to south africa…ama invent it up in here…



  2. Baby Nolove W/S NBCC



  3. On Black. That was very men protect your children and women. On Black.



  4. I just pray to God that all of you see how precious life is and stop being so angry and hostile over nonsense. Instead of wasting your life on Gang activity and hating others. Use your life to make a difference. Love your Mothers, Fathers, Children. Become the man that your children can look up to. Be the reason why they have a better life than yours….don’t leave them a legacy of violence as it only leads to death on the streets or in prison. God did not create any of us to live like this….I am praying for all of you as it’s sad to see that men like Muhammad Ali, MLK, and Malcolm X, no longer exist….they wanted to make the world better. I would encourage each of you to do the same. We need men to stand up in this country and start acting like men. Joining Gang, hating other people for whatever your reason is not the characteristics of a man. A real man is strong, yet he loves, forgives, and spreads goodness. Every real woman wants a man that has compassion for others and has self control….if you want to over power your enemies, shooting them is not the answer. Build a ‘legal’ empire, make money honestly, love your children, send them to school to be educated to follow their dreams, be the kind of man your woman brags about, love God. This is what will make you a man.

    At the end of the day, when you die, then life would have been worth living. I love all of you as I see that your comments obviously show that you are lost and need to find your way. I pray God’s divine love on each of you and that he prepares you for your destiny and shows you to the way of a better life.



  5. I just pray to God that all of you see how precious life is and stop being so angry and hostile over nonsense. Instead of wasting your life on Gang activity and hating others. Use your life to make a difference. Love your Mothers, Fathers, Children. Become the man that your children can look up to. Be the reason why they have a better life than yours….don’t leave them a legacy of violence as it only leads to death on the streets or in prison. God did not create any of us to live like this….I am praying for all of you as it’s sad to see that men like Muhammad Ali, MLK, and Malcolm X, no longer exist….they wanted to make the world better. I would encourage each of you to do the same. We need men to stand up in this country and start acting like men. Joining Gang, hating other people for whatever your reason is not the characteristics of a man. A real man is strong, yet he loves, forgives, and spreads goodness. Every real woman wants a man that has compassion for others and has self control….if you want to over power your enemies, shooting them is not the answer. Build a ‘legal’ empire, make money honestly, love your children, send them to school to be educated to follow their dreams, be the kind of man your woman brags about, love God. This is what will make you a man.

    At the end of the day, when you die, then life would have been worth living. I love all of you as I see that your comments obviously show that you are lost and need to find your way. I pray God’s divine love on each of you and that he prepares you for your destiny and shows you to the way of a better life.


  6. Fucc all ya bkustas this is da real ofhgccridaz w/$ 138ave C.C.R!d3R$ O/G Don-Ch3W



  7. Rocco has Aids. Ha ha ha



    • Yeah, you wish. You must know all about AIDS because you keep talking about it. Did you get it from having sex with a couple other nigg*rs in Jail or was it from sharing a needle with another nigg*r in the Ghetto? LMAO



  8. All of you stupid lost souls are the product of j.edgar Hoover fa*g ass and you don’t even know it you all belong to the kingdom of will spend hell in eternity if you don’t stop this exterminating of ones self the devil and the whitepower structure love everysecond of your hatred of your own people change or 🔥 forever fforget about RIP that don’t come after death forgangster only hell waits so keep on if that’s what you want.god is angry at our rebellious sprit you lost tribe of juda. Don’t even know who the hell you are you are not no dam Muslim either thats another lie from the pit of hell satin just fake you out with anything dummies



    • No, we want the nigg*rs to eventually kill each other. Only a nigg*r can hate another nigg*r the way they do. White people who hate nigg*rs don’t hate them enough to kill one of them, unless of course it is in self defense. The nigg*r, on the other hand, will kill another nigg*r over what color shirt he is wearing or some other f*cking stupid ass nonsense reason. No one can hate the nigg*r as much as OTHER nigg*rs do. LMAO



  9. Yall ckraps dead b”41eat ass

    Red rain on yall fu”ck nigg*hs



    • fuCC you anonymous,fuCC all slobKs niCCa.And it’s blue rain and a blue sky and yellow piss on a slobK snK20pK bustas head you simple minded mutt.And fuCC you stains and fuCC your lines too CeCause you know us bK and pK hoo ridas are some str8 up b.K.o. and p.K.o. knoCC out artist and hoo rida s,and slobK and diru removers y’@ll sh*t stained monkeys are dog food let’s faCe it y’@ll ain’t pushing no lines y’@ll hKookK ass slobK mutt pup bitCh.



      • Grow up and start acting LIKE A MAN, you dumb ass nigg*r.


    • nigg* that’s a 6 pointed star quit xlaiming nigg* u xounterfit



  10. WS RSC Gtown Mr.loc



    • fuCC you (“roCCo”) and Grow up and start aCting LIKE A MAN,you dumb ass Honkey.









  13. f*ck you crabs i only ride with
    denver lanes bloodes and tree top pirus



    • fuCC you anonymous and fuCC both the denver lane bKloods and fuCC the tree top pKirus and if you only ride with those 2 bitChes then you better C very sCared and ride in the Car with your head on the floor CeCause those bitChes don’t know how to gang bang and us Crips ain’t going to show y’@ll bitChes the proper way CeCause we hate y’@ll dred and Curgundy bandana wearing t.h.o.t. ass hood rats.It’s all aCout dat true blue Crip Color and bandanna Cuz.



      • You really are a dumb ass ignorant nigg*r. Just look at the way you write sentences. You sound like a nigg*r moron. Grow up and start acting like a man.


      • MF this ain’t English class bitch f*ck you crackerjack whitebitch this ain’t no f*ckn spelling text no grammer pop quiz you punkbitch you really a stupid whiteboy for trying to read my sh*t f*ck all the whitef*cks


      • If you’re ever BRAVE ENOUGH to meet me, I’ll CRACK my whip on you like the White men did to your nigg*r Ancestors you inferior Monkey. LOL


      • dumb boobs


  14. Mona ParCC CoMPCton Crip 4Life Lil CriCcet LoCCo 2. CvL36K



    • fuCC you (“roCCo”), You really are a dumb ass ignorant Honkey.Just look at the way you write sentenCes .You sound like a Honkey moron. Grow up and start aCting like a man.And (“roCCo” your not a smart english teaCher who has perfeCt grammar and punctuation skills look at how the fuCC you spell you write some whole words in Capital letters like the words brave,enough,and CraCC those whole words aren’t supposed to Ce Capitalized you fuCC boy,wrinkled diCC faCe,diCC head ass Honkey!!!!!!,bitCh!!!!!!,.



    • fuCC you (“roCCo”), and If you’re BRAVE ENOUGH to meet me,I’ll CraCC my whip on you like the BlaCC men did to your Honkey AnCestors you inferior Monkey. LOL



  15. “tropical cuz”






  17. cquencher blu macciv&cru cstatos wataose (waterhouse) yuh luige cscean LOC…



    • Czyeah 3mile, HC, Curoundin, czrah !!!!!!!



    • WHAT THE FUCC YOU TALKING ABOUT????????????????



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  2. Pingback:“WE CRIPPIN 4 CHRIST, BLOOD’S IN THE BIBLE, PIRUS IN PRAYER!” | shepherd dauid

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Name: Roderick King

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Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.